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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152924

    Title: 日本自動駕駛車輛政策之研究
    A Study of Japan's Policy on Automated Vehicles
    Authors: 余明軒
    Yu, Ming-Hsuan
    Contributors: 李世暉
    Li, Shih-Huei
    Yu, Ming-Hsuan
    Keywords: 日本自動駕駛政策
    Japan’s automated driving
    policy analysis
    SIP Phase I
    SIP Phase II
    Japanese government
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 14:50:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討了日本自動駕駛政策的發展與實施過程。研究聚焦於日本政府推動的戰略性創新創造計劃(SIP),特別是其中的自動駕駛系統開發項目。SIP分為兩期實施:第一期(2014-2018年)主要目標包括減少交通事故、緩解交通擁塞、推進自動駕駛技術研發;第二期(2018-2022年)則更注重技術的實際應用和社會實施。



    This study examines the development and implementation of automated driving policy in Japan. The study focuses on the Strategic Innovation and Creation Program (SIP) promoted by the Japanese government, especially the development of automated driving systems, which is divided into two phases: the first phase (2014-2018) has the main objectives of reducing traffic accidents, relieving traffic congestion, and promoting the development of automated driving technologies; the second phase (2018-2022) focuses on the practical application of the technologies and the implementation of social and economic policies. The second phase (2018-2022) focuses more on the practical application of the technology and social implementation.

    This study adopts a public policy analysis model, which analyzes the four stages of agenda setting, policy program setting, implementation, and evaluation. In the agenda-setting stage, the Japanese government views automated driving technology as a solution to a number of social problems. A series of laws and policy frameworks were developed in the policy option setting stage. The implementation stage is divided into two phases, with the focus shifting from infrastructure construction and technology development to practical application.

    The study finds that Japan's automated driving policy demonstrates a high degree of strategy and foresight, with a wide range of public and private actors involved in the policy formulation and implementation process, resulting in an innovative model of multi-party collaboration. However, this study also identifies some challenges, such as the lack of transparency of policy evaluation results and the uncertainty of the degree of goal achievement.

    Overall, Japan's automated driving policy provides a case study for promoting major technological innovations. The study concludes with some recommendations for future research directions, including the study of the contradiction between automated driving technology and laws and regulations, tracking of social acceptance, employment market impacts, solutions to transportation problems in an aging society, integration of smart city construction, and improvement of the policy evaluation system.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109861009
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[日本研究學位學程] 學位論文

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