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    Title: 數位經濟之結合管制——以使用者數據與殺手併購產生之影響為中心
    Merger Control in the Digital Economy — Focused on the Impact of User's Data and Killer Acquisitions
    Authors: 吳寧軒
    Wu, Ning-Hsuan
    Contributors: 王立達
    Wang, Li-Dar
    Wu, Ning-Hsuan
    Keywords: 數位平台
    Digital platform
    Big Tech
    Merger control
    User’s data
    Killer acquisition
    Dynamic competition
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 13:23:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位經濟以創新和數據為驅動力,研發新的產品或商業模式,更透過使用者數據的應用與分析促進創新的循環,動態地帶動市場與競爭的變遷,造就平台的興起。平台建置基礎設施作為用戶間交易與資源共享的媒介,連結雙邊或多邊市場用戶。在網路效應、規模經濟、範疇經濟的作用下,平台的價值與影響力日漸提升,跨產品的組合形塑出數位生態圈,科技巨擘GAFAM隨此浪潮蓬勃發展取得穩固的市場地位。此等巨型平台透過併購不斷拓展版圖,甚至以搶占市場或排除市場未來競爭為目的瞄準新創事業為收購對象,引發殺手併購。
    The digital economy is driven by innovation and data, developing new products or business models, and promoting the cycle of innovation through the application and analysis of user’s data. Dynamic competition driving market changes in the digital era. The platform builds infrastructure for transactions to connect users in bilateral or multilateral markets. Under the influence of network effects, economies of scale, and economies of scope, increase the value and influence of the platform. And also shape the digital ecosystem by the combination of cross-products. GAFAM, the big five technology companies, maintained a strong position of market power as digital platforms and ecosystems become the dominant organizational form of the digital economy. GAFAM also expand into new markets or territories through mergers and acquisitions, and even target new businesses for acquisitions with the purpose of seizing the market or eliminating future competition in the market, which may trigger killer acquisitions.
    The digital economy has brought impacts and challenges to traditional merger control. This paper reviews European and American merger control regulations and practical experience in merger cases by the competition authorities in Europe and the United States. Adjusting the reporting threshold is a method of ex-ante control. European Commission focuses on big tech, imposing obligations on them for act or omission with their merger and acquisition transactions. The characteristics of the digital economy should be taken into consideration. To develop specific measurement indicators is also important. Flexible use of remedies is another solution to merger control. Behavioral remedies, such as the sharing and authorization of user data, protection of user privacy, restrictions on the use of data in specific goods or services, can reduce concerns about restrictive competition. Through the application of remedies maintains business competition and promotes economic efficiency.
    This paper believes international law enforcement experience would be instrumental. After considering local connections, a transaction value threshold can be added to bring potential killer acquisition cases into the scope of review. When considering restrictive competition, factors such as the particularity of the digital economy, data, innovation, and dynamic perspectives to reduce the risk of potential error costs in measurement due to subjective judgments or predictions of dynamic competition. The purpose of maintaining market competition can be achieved with remedies.
    This article also believes that it is necessary to protect privacy of user’s data and control killer acquisitions. Privacy can be regarded as an important competitive parameter to analyze whether non-price competition may restrict competition. Through the two stages of identifying killer acquisitions and measuring the impact on restrictive competition as the framework to assess killer acquisitions, helps to decide whether to pass the merger case or not. The development of merger regulation in the long-term digital economy relies on collaboration and exchanges between cross-sectoral sectors. Only by continuously tracking the impact of dynamic competition can we adopt appropriate strategies and effectively cope with changes in the market environment or competition.
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