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    Title: Logua: 瓜地馬拉中小企業物流解決方案
    Logua: Logistics Solutions for MSMEs in Guatemala
    Authors: 康瑞穎
    Recinos, Adriana Lucía Castañeda
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Jack Wu
    Adriana Lucía Castañeda Recinos
    Keywords: 瓜地馬拉
    integrated solutions
    economic growth
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:16:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文提出了一個發展物流公司的商業計劃,旨在通過高效且整合的物流解決方案來賦能中小企業,推動瓜地馬拉社區的經濟增長。在拉丁美洲,中小企業是主要的就業來源,也是產品和服務的重要供應商。然而,其對國內生產總值(GDP)的貢獻相對較低,這表明其生產率存在不足。通過提供綜合物流解決方案,企業可以優化其運營,更有效地分配資源,專注於其核心業務,並提升整體生產力。Logua的綜合方法不僅有利於個別企業,還有助於社區的廣泛經濟發展。

    This thesis presents a business plan to develop a logistics company that aims to empower MSMEs through efficient and integrated logistics solutions, driving growth in communities located in Guatemala. In Latin America, MSMEs are a primary source of employment and a key supplier of products and services. However, its contribution to the GDP is relatively low, which indicates the deficiencies in its productivity rate. By providing integrated logistics solutions businesses can optimize their operations, allocate resources more efficiently focused on their core business, and enhance overall productivity. Logua's comprehensive approach benefits not only individual enterprises but also contributes to the broader economic development of the community.

    Logua intends to provide MSMEs with reliable and efficient logistic and back-office solutions, fostering economic growth through offering comprehensive services and long-term value creation for the community. Targeting Micro, Small, and Medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Guatemala's metropolitan and central regions, engaged in trade and manufacturing activities across various stages in the value chain, including retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers.
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