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    题名: 俄烏戰爭與臺灣:媒體的戰爭與和平新聞框架分析
    Russia-Ukraine war and Taiwan: Framing war and peace in news media
    作者: 趙怡雯
    Chao, Yi-Wen
    贡献者: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Chao, Yi-Wen
    关键词: 俄烏戰爭
    Russia-Ukraine war
    Taiwan security
    War and peace
    News framing
    Peace journalism
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-05-02 10:35:19 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究以2022年俄烏戰爭為背景,專注於臺灣主要報紙如何建構俄烏衝突下的戰爭與和平議題,以及其對臺灣安全的連結框架。本研究透過內容分析法與框架分析,檢視《中國時報》、《聯合報》和《自由時報》在俄烏戰爭期間的報導框架,探討媒體如何從和平/戰爭新聞框架報導俄烏之間的衝突,以及和臺灣安全間的關係。


    This study, set against the backdrop of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war, focuses on how major Taiwanese newspapers frame the issues of war and peace under the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as their connections to Taiwan's security.

    Through content analysis and framing study, this research examines the news coverage of the China Times, United Daily News, and Liberty Time during the Russia-Ukraine war. The research adopts content analysis, systematic sampling 932 news articles from Taiwan' three leading newspapers for analysis.

    The findings reveal that Taiwanese newspapers display a tendency to simplify international events and reinforce specific political positions through their news coverage. All three newspapers emphasize the violence and destruction of the war, to reveal a clear distinction between friends and enemies, indicating that Taiwanese media have also taken sides in the war. As to Taiwan’ security issue, the China Times and United Daily News emphasize an international political strategic advantages, whereas Liberty Times holds more on national defense position of the ruling party.

    Finally, the study suggests that war / peace news frames should be studied from both domestic and international viewpoint, as a way of studying varieties of peace.
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