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Title: | 論乘法啟蒙教學中的詞序問題:語言學的觀點 On the Controversy over Word Orders in the Initial Teaching of Multiplication: A Linguistic Perspective |
Authors: | 郭惠婷 Kuo, Hui-Ting |
Contributors: | 何萬順 Her, One-Soon 郭惠婷 Kuo, Hui-Ting |
Keywords: | 乘法教學 乘數 被乘數 位數詞 分類詞 詞序 倍數 Multiplication teaching Multiplier Multiplicand Numeral base Numeral classifier Word order Multiples |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-02-01 13:01:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究從語言學的觀點探究在乘法啟蒙教學中,乘數(multiplier)與被乘數(multiplicand)之間的詞序問題,主張在臺灣應優先採用乘數在前的主動句式。在認知概念層面,乘數與被乘數的意義分別是單位數(number of units)與單位量(number in a unit),兩者為非線性(non-linear)的關係。然而在口語與文字的表述中,必然有線性的要求,乘法因此存在有「乘法交換律 (Commutative Law of Multiplication)」:被乘數與乘數位置互換,其結果仍然不變。在大多數人類語言的數詞系統中,以乘法構成的複合數詞(complex numeral)因此也存在兩種詞序:位數詞(numeral base)在後(base-final),例如中文「三百」和英文 three hundred ,均為「3×100」;位數詞在前(base- initial),如非洲尼日-剛果語系中的伊比比歐語的 ikie ita 以及南島語系中的基里維納語的 lakatu-tolu 卻都是「100×3」。而採用位數詞在後的詞序,也就是「乘數-被乘數」的語言在數量上較多一些。
有趣的是,乘法的兩種詞序卻在國小的數學啟蒙教育中成為爭議,各國作法不一。以「三隻兔子有幾隻腳?」為例,臺灣採行的算式是「4×3=12」,讀為「四『乘以』三等於十二」,因此是「被乘數×乘數」的被動句式。而美國卻以「3×4=12」為主,讀為 Three times four equals twelve(三「乘」四等於十 二),是乘數在前的主動句式。本研究亦將檢視美中日韓等國的作法,也討論台灣支持被動句的理由。本研究將從語言學的角度出發,依序從詞序差異、主動句與被動句、係數詞與位數詞的詞序關係、數詞與分類詞/量詞的詞序關係等四個面向進行討論。主張在乘法啟蒙教學上,台灣應該優先採取乘數在前的主動句表達法。
在詞序差異上,本研究認為如果乘法算式的語言和學童本身的語言詞序是相同的,將會大幅降低兒童學習乘法的難度。在主動句與被動句的討論中,本研究認為華語乃賓格語言,乘法算式以主動句表達,將會比被動句更容易讓兒童理解。從位數詞與量詞詞序的觀點來看,六七歲的小學兒童已習得了「乘數─被乘數」的主動句表達法,乘法教學理應順勢而為。本研究認為其他國家亦可考慮本文的觀點,檢視學童的母語在乘法啟蒙教學上所能產生的正面影響。 This thesis explores the word order issue between the multiplier and the multiplicand in the teaching of initial multiplication from a linguistic perspective. We suggest that the multiplier-multiplicand word order is better than the multiplicand-multiplier word order in Taiwan. In fact, the multiplier and the multiplicand represent the number of units and the number in a unit, respectively, and they constitute a non-linear relationship between them. However, in oral and written expressions, linearization is necessary, leading to the presence of the "commutative property of multiplication": changing the order of the multiplier and multiplicand does not change the product. In most numeral systems, complex numerals formed by multiplication also exhibit two word orders: the base-final order, such as san bai ‘three hundred’ in Mandarin Chinese and three hundred in English, both representing "3×100" the base-initial order, such as ikie ita ‘hundred three’ in Ibibio (Niger-Congo) and lakatu-tolu ‘hundred three’ in Kilivila (Oceanic), both representing "100×3." And, the quantity of the base-final languages is greater than that of the base-initial languages.
In fact, the two word orders in multiplication have become a controversy in the teaching of initial multiplication. Taking the question "How many legs do three rabbits have?" as an example, Taiwan adopts the equation "4×3=12," read as "four multiplied by three equals twelve," using the multiplicand-multiplier word order, which represents a passive expression. In contrast, the United States predominantly uses "3×4=12," read as "three times four equals twelve," choosing the multiplier-multiplicand word order, which signifies an active expression.
Different countries may choose either order for different reasons. Therefore, this thesis will examine the choices made by countries such as Japan, South Korea, China, and the United States while discussing the reasons for Taiwan's choice of the passive expression. This thesis will also explore four aspects from a linguistic perspective: differences between a natural language and the language of mathematics, active and passive constructions, the base word order, the classifier word order. We then argue that the active expression should be preferred in the teaching of initial multiplication in Taiwan.
Here are the viewpoints proposed in this thesis: First, we propose that if the language of mathematics is consistent with the natural language of children, it will significantly reduce the difficulty of children learning multiplication. Second, we believe that Mandarin Chinese as an accusative language, active sentences will be easier for children to comprehend than passive sentences. Finally, in terms of the base and classifier word order, six to seven-year-old Mandarin-speaking children have already acquired the multiplier-multiplicand word order. Therefore, we suggest that other countries may also consider the viewpoints presented in this paper, examining the impact of children's native language on the teaching of initial multiplication. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 語言學研究所 109555008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109555008 |
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