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    Title: 串流音樂平台的價值獲取策略 -以KKBOX以及LINE MUSIC為例
    Value Capture Strategy of Streaming Music Platforms – Case Studies of KKBOX and LINE MUSIC
    Authors: 賴品安
    Contributors: 許牧彥
    Hsu, Mu-Yen
    Keywords: 平台策略
    Platform Strategy
    Streaming Music Industry
    Value Acquisition
    Value Proposition
    Value Creation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:45:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據國際唱片業協會的資料顯示,2023年全球音樂市場收入達到262億美元。然而,自2000年的210億美元下降至2022年的46億美元,僅剩四分之一產業價值,反觀串流音樂收益則不斷攀升。串流科技產業包括了雲端、影視串流、唱片公司、廣告商和使用者。KKBOX早期在台灣市場成功開發線上音樂平台,佔有率高,是台灣串流音樂代表性平台。相對地,LINE MUSIC於2019年進入串流音樂市場,兩者的初期價值主張和發展路徑不同,對獲值方式造成影響。不同時代條件導致商業模式和數據收集方式的變化。因此,本研究聚焦於KKBOX和LINE MUSIC,深入探討串流音樂產業的價值獲取、商業模式和策略。主要分析兩者在這一領域的價值主張、傳遞和價值獲取方式,並關注它們在多邊市場中的價值獲取關係。研究提出三個關鍵問題:KKBOX和LINE MUSIC如何在多邊市場中獲取價值、它們的互動模式有何不同。研究方法包括個案研究法和質性研究,並分成七章節進行介紹:平台的定義、特性和不同類型平台的盈利方式的文獻回顧、串流音樂產業的整體市場概況、使用的方法和流程、針對KKBOX和LINE MUSIC的個案分析、運用文獻回顧理論來分析這些案例之間的盈利模式發展差異,以及最後的研究結論和未來研究方向。希望深入了解串流音樂平台在盈利方面的不同策略和趨勢。深入探討後得出結論,對於KKBOX,建議以去中心化技術和自創版權方式降低版權費用,提高音樂人收益和版權管理透明度,同時與微軟合作提升服務品質。對LINE MUSIC,建議透過了解用戶行為降低授權成本,並善用LINE生態系統創造價值。這些建議強調了透過技術創新和成本控制提升收益和服務品質的重要性。KKBOX和LINE MUSIC可以透過成本控制、了解用戶需求和發揮平台價值潛力,實現更佳的盈利模式和競爭力
    The global music market revenue hit $26.2 billion in 2023, marking a stark decline from $21 billion in 2000 to $4.6 billion in 2022, a mere quarter of its previous value. Despite this, revenue from music streaming continues to soar steadily. The streaming technology industry encompasses cloud-based services, video streaming, record labels, advertisers, and users.
    KKBOX swiftly established a significant market share in Taiwan by launching an online music platform early on, while LINE MUSIC entered the streaming music market in 2019, charting distinct paths in value proposition and development, influencing their approaches to value acquisition. Evolving eras have shaped changes in business models and data collection methods within the industry.
    This study examines KKBOX and LINE MUSIC, exploring their value acquisition, business models, and strategies within the streaming music industry. It scrutinizes their value propositions, transmission, and approaches to value acquisition, particularly focusing on their roles in the multi-sided market. Three key questions are addressed: how these platforms acquire value in multi-sided markets and what sets their interactive models apart.
    Employing case studies and qualitative research, this study spans seven chapters: defining platforms, their characteristics, a literature review on profitability methods across various platform types, an overview of the streaming music industry, research methodologies, case analyses of KKCompany and LINE MUSIC, using literature to dissect differences in their profit models, concluding with research findings and future directions.
    The objective is to grasp a comprehensive understanding of diverse profitability strategies and trends within streaming music platforms. Recommendations for KKBOX include harnessing decentralized technology and self-generated copyright to reduce expenses, boost artists' earnings, and improve copyright management transparency, alongside a collaboration with Microsoft to enhance service quality. For LINE MUSIC, suggestions involve understanding user behavior to lower licensing costs and utilizing the LINE ecosystem to create value. These recommendations underscore the pivotal role of technological innovation and cost control in augmenting revenue and service quality. By managing costs, understanding user needs, and maximizing their platform's potential, KKBOX and LINE MUSIC can develop more effective profit models and enhance competitiveness.
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