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    Title: 國軍女性主官領導統御特質及方式對部屬工作績效表現之影響-以陸軍為例
    The effects of leadership characteristics and styles of female army officers on their subordinates’ job performance
    Authors: 羅孝儀
    Luo, Hsiao-Yi
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei-Chun
    Luo, Hsiao-Yi
    Keywords: 女性領導
    Female Leadership
    Leadership Style
    Female Leadership Characteristics
    Job Performance
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:22:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 女性領導者在各行各業中已佔有一席之地,上從國家領導者或至一般企業中的主管職位,皆有女性的身影,兩性平權也在法律中的明文規定,逐漸落實於社會與生活中。過去許多研究均有探討女性領導者對於組織或員工個人工作績效的影響,然較少著墨於國軍部隊此類以男性為主的環境中,女性領導者的影響力。而筆者於部隊中服務,曾面對要接任領導職時,卻因為女性的身分被拒絕的錯愕,所以能夠感受目前國軍女性領導者所面對的部分困境和質疑,進而引起研究動機。
    Women leaders have taken their place in all walks of life, from national leaders to executives in corporations, and gender equality has been gradually implemented in society and life with explicit provisions in the law. In the past, many studies have examined the impact of female leaders on the performance of organizations, however, fewer studies have focused on the influence of female leaders in a male-dominated environment such as the national army. However, the author's service in the army has given her a sense of some of the dilemmas and doubts faced by female leaders in the army, which motivated this study.
    This study was a quantitative study, and 312 questionnaires were distributed to the officers and soldiers under female chief officers, and 312 questionnaires were returned, with a recovery rate of 100%. 255 valid questionnaires were analyzed after deducting the invalid questionnaires, in order to find out the extent to which officers and soldiers perceive their female chief officers' leadership styles and qualities, and how well the officers and soldiers assessed their work performance under the leadership of these female chief officers, then analyze the data to understand the correlation between these three factors. The data were analyzed to understand the correlation between these three factors. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant positive correlation between the leadership styles of female officers and the performance of their subordinates, with transformational leadership styles being higher than transactional leadership styles, and that female leadership traits had a moderating effect on the relationship between leadership styles and performance. This shows that female leadership is not as bad as men's as some officers may think, and that women's qualities such as gentleness, caring, and good communication are beneficial to leadership. In light of the different values in today's fast-changing society, the concept of transformational leadership, which is people-oriented, is also applicable to the military.

    In this regard, this study suggests that female officers, when facing the challenge of leadership, should overcome the invisible demons and not be overly concerned about what others say, believing that what men can do, women can also do; and secondly, the appointment of female manpower in the army should be based on the principles of respect and fairness, so that women in the army can have a better chance of success. Secondly, the principle of respect and fairness should be adhered to in the appointment of women in the army, so that there is no restriction on women's development in the army, and that women's participation in the army can build a more solid tangible and intangible force for the national army.
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