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    題名: 探究語境因素與個人語境敏銳度對於選擇華語否定詞「不」與「沒」的影響
    Investigating the effects of sentential context and individual context-sensitivity in the choice between negators bu and mei in Mandarin
    作者: 陳薌如
    Chen, Xiang-Ru
    貢獻者: 賴瑶鍈
    Lai, Yao-Ying
    Chen, Xiang-Ru
    關鍵詞: 華語否定詞
    Mandarin negators
    sentence processing
    contextual integration
    individual differences
    context sensitivity
    日期: 2023
    上傳時間: 2024-02-01 10:53:15 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 「不」與「沒」作為最常使用的否定詞,兩否定詞的使用常因為語境的不同而產生差異,這便造成華語學習者使用兩否定詞上的困難。一般而言,「不」的語意特徵包括 [+意願性] 和 [-有界性] ,「沒」的語意特徵為 [-意願性] 和 [+有界性]。本研究旨在探討語境因素 [±意願性] 、 [±有界性] 和個人語境敏銳度對華語母語者使用「不」與「沒」的影響,以及處理負荷上的差異。
    研究者操控 [±意願性] 和 [±有界性] 兩項自變項於目標句前的語境句,以計時問卷 (timed questionnaire) 記錄實驗參與者 (i) 目標句所選擇的否定詞 (「不」或「沒」) ,以及 (ii) 作答反應時間。另考量到每個人語境敏銳度的不同,本研究以自閉症指數量表 (Autism-spectrum Quotient, AQ) 作為語境敏銳度的指標,探討個人差異是否影響兩否定詞的選擇。
    實驗結果發現,語境中的 [±有界性] 顯著影響否定詞的選擇,而 [±意願性] × [±有界性] ,以及高低AQ組 × [±意願性] 的交互作用,亦顯著影響否定詞的選擇。在處理負荷上, [±意願性] 顯著影響反應時間,且AQ組別 × [±意願性] × [±有界性] 三者呈顯著交互作用。研究結果主要發現有三: (i) 語境中的 [±有界性] 訊息對選擇「不」或「沒」的影響強度大於 [±意願性] ; (ii) 低AQ組 (語境敏銳度高) 選擇否定詞時,因較易考量語境中的主語 [±意願性] ,而較容易選擇與 [+意願性] 語意特徵相符的「不」; (iii) 高AQ組在面對需要思考主語 [+意願性] 時,會產生較大的處理負荷。
    華語教學時,可先就兩否定詞在 [±有界性] 的語意差異進行教學,當學習者程度提高時,再帶入 [±意願性] 的解讀。由於個人對語句的解讀存在差異,教師應以更大的語境脈絡釐清學習者欲表達的內容,選出最合適的否定詞。
    本研究不僅在語言層次上看到選擇「不」或「沒」時,語境中 [±有界性] 訊息的影響力大於 [±意願性] ,也從個人對 [±意願性] 敏銳度的差異中看到個人語境敏銳度對語言使用的影響,以及語句解讀中處理負荷的差異。
    This study investigates the influence of contextual factors [±volition], [±boundedness] and individuals’ context-sensitivity on the choice of two negators, bu and mei, among native Mandarin speakers, as well as differences in processing load. Generally, bu matches the semantic features of [+volition] and [-boundedness], while mei is characterized by [-volition] and [+boundedness]. However, individuals may interpret sentences containing bu and mei differently.
    The investigator manipulated two semantic features, [±volition] and [±boundedness], in context sentences preceding target negative sentences. Recording the participants' (i) choice of bu and mei in the target sentences and (ii) response times. Considering variations in individuals’ context-sensitivity, the investigator measured the participants’ Autism-spectrum Quotient (AQ) as an index and examined its effect on negator processing.
    The main findings are threefold: (i) the influence of [±boundedness] in context was greater than that of [±volition] on the choice between bu and mei; (ii) lower-AQ individuals (indexing higher context sensitivity) were more inclined to consider [±volition] in context, choosing bu more often when the context signaled [+volition] of the subject referent; and (iii) higher-AQ individuals took longer when incorporating this [+volition] feature in context.
    This study shows that the influence of contextual [±boundedness] information is greater than [±volition] when choosing between bu and mei for negative sentences. Additionally, results reveal the influence of individuals’ context-sensitivity to [±volition] in context when sentence processing requires contextual integration.
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