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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/148530

    Title: 臺灣不動產投資信託基金(REITs) 現況及未來採行基金架構之修法研究
    A Study on the Current Status of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in Taiwan and Future Regulatory Framework Amendments
    Authors: 林思羽
    Lin, Szu-Yu
    Contributors: 周振鋒
    Chou, Cheng-Fong
    Lin, Szu-Yu
    Keywords: 不動產投資信託
    Real Estate Investment Trusts
    Real Estate Securitization
    Real Estate Securitization Act
    Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-12-01 13:41:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 不動產投資信託透過結合不動產與資本市場,為投資者、發起人和金融機構創造了一個互利共贏的局面。然而,我國以受託機構為主導的信託制REITs立法嚴明,提供投資人諸多保護機制,惟僵固的信託架構基礎下,卻也導致我國REITs市場與同期發展的其他鄰近亞洲國家,在歷經20年的發展,市值規模差異甚多,在高峰時期也僅10檔上市,加上每檔基金成交量小、流動性差,整體市場冷清,國人對於REITs商品尚不熟悉,與不動產實體市場的熱絡興盛形成強烈對比。金管會為提供投資人多元投資管道,提升資產管理產業競爭力,於2021年1月12日宣布將修正證券投資信託及顧問法。本研究將探討我國不動產投資信託市場的演變、法規框架以及市場所面臨的挑戰;同時參考日本、新加坡和香港三地區之的不動產投資信託法規和實際運作,期望透過比較法和文獻分析法,並結合實務之觀點剖析,提供本次金管會的修正草案具體建議,期望藉此推動不動產投資市場的進一步發展和市場活絡,提高我國基金型REITs的競爭力,為我國的不動產投資信託市場帶來實質性的改變和增長。
    Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) combine real estate with the capital market, creating a win-win situation for investors, initiators, and financial institutions. However, the strict legislation of REITs in our country, led by the trustee institutions, provides many protection mechanisms for investors. Nevertheless, under the rigid trust structure, there is a significant disparity in market value between our REITs market and those of other neighboring Asian countries after 20 years of development. At its peak, there were only 10 listed funds, and each fund had a small trading volume and poor liquidity. The overall market was sluggish, and the public was unfamiliar with REITs products, in stark contrast to the booming real estate market. To provide investors with diverse investment channels, enhance the competitiveness of the asset management industry, and invigorate Taiwan's REITs market, the Financial Supervisory Commission(FSC) announced on January 12, 2021, that it would amend the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act. Therefore, this study will delve into the evolution of Taiwan's REITs market, its regulatory framework, and the challenges it faces. By referencing the REITs regulations and actual operations in Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and through comparative and literature analysis combined with practical perspectives, this study aim to provide specific suggestions for the FSC's amendment draft. The aspiration is to catalyze the progressive evolution and dynamism of the property investment domain, enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan's fund-focused REITs, and stimulate significant growth in the country's real estate investment trust market.
    Reference: 一、期刊論文
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