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    Title: 電視紀錄片跨域短影音研究:馬來西亞中文電視紀錄片為例
    Transformation of TV Documentary to Short-Form Video: A Case of Malaysia’s Chinese-Language TV Industry
    Authors: 吳旋琳
    Lin, Goh Xuan
    Contributors: 蔡葵希
    Christine Cook
    Goh Xuan Lin
    Keywords: 短影音紀錄片
    short-form documentary
    short videos
    documentary entertainment
    audience enjoyment
    media education
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:42:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 信息通信技術(ICT)的快速增長對近代媒體行業的影響甚遠,其衍生出的新媒體平台改變了現代人的媒體消費習慣。 Web 2.0和短影音已成為當代媒體的核心,並影響用戶深陷“零食文化”當中,即一種以快節奏、簡短和引人入勝的內容信息為特徵的趨勢。這項研究關於娛樂型紀錄片(docutainment)的片長和處理手法對成年觀眾學習和觀影享受度的影響。該研究讓參與者觀看不同影片時長和處理手法的娛樂型紀錄片(docutainment)後,對其進行測試。令人驚訝的是,整體上,片長和處理手法對觀眾的學習和觀影享受度沒有顯著影響。然而,對於年長的參與者來說,短影片類型的處理方式對知識保持有正面的影響。研究結果顯示,媒體從業者在於片長和影片處理手法上可以擁有一定的創意自由,以呼應當代媒體使用者的消費習慣,以滿足不同觀眾的喜好。總體而言,這項研究有助於媒體從業者理解不斷變化中的媒體語境,並為娛樂型紀錄片(docutainment)的創作人員在滿足觀眾的喜好和需求方面提供實質建議。
    The rapid growth of information communication technologies (ICTs) has transformed the media landscape, leading to the emergence of new media platforms and changing consumption habits. Web 2.0 and short-form videos have become central to contemporary media, with users preferring snack culture: a trend characterized by the consumption of fast-paced, short, and engaging content. In this study, we examine the impact of video durations and treatment on audience education and enjoyment level, focusing on the docutainment genre and adult viewers. Participants were examined after they watched different versions of docutainment videos that varied in duration and treatment. Surprisingly, video length and treatment did not significantly affect audience enjoyment or education outcomes overall. However, the short-form video treatment had a positive effect on knowledge retention among older participants. Our findings suggest that media practitioners can embrace creative freedom and adapt to current media habits, catering to diverse audience preferences despite current trends toward snack culture. Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of the evolving media landscape and offers practical implications for media practitioners in making docutainment content by meeting audience preferences and needs.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111ZM1023
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