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    Title: 中亞志願者加入「伊斯蘭國」之研究
    A Study for Central Asian Volunteers Joining ISIS
    Authors: 陳鈺淇
    Chen, Yu-Chi
    Contributors: 魏百谷
    Wei, Bai-Ku
    Chen, Yu-Chi
    Keywords: 激進化
    Social exclusion
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 16:33:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中亞人民加入「伊斯蘭國」 的志願者在該組織人數中佔有相當比例,2016至 2017 年間,由中亞人民及僑民發動的恐怖攻擊事件引發學界對該區域宗教恐怖主義發展的辯論。本研究基於激進化的層次分析模型,輔以社會運動和社會心理學理論,以跨學科的方式研究中亞人民加入「伊斯蘭國」推力與拉力因素之間的因果機制,將研究焦點著重在個/群體之間共同的不滿(grievance)丶集體的經驗以及激進化發生的環境,並研究「伊斯蘭國」的意識形態及如何運用社群媒體及線下招募方式構成對中亞人民的吸引力,期能助於釐清該區域安全威脅的真實性。

    研究發現在「伊斯蘭國」宣傳敘事構築下,中亞志願者認為「伊斯蘭國」是一新穎而理想的政治秩序。區域內部的結構性推力因素是中亞政權為穩固統治合法性,封閉政治訴求管道的壓制性手段,加上長久未解決的族群、社會經濟問題與政權的腐敗行徑引起人民不滿。而俄羅斯作為激進化有利環境(radical milieu),中亞移工在受到社會排斥後為降低壓力,選擇該組織招募者所提供的物質及心理上的支持作為應對策略,經由同儕團體及社會學習作用,促使中亞人民採取實際行動,加入該組織。宗教在中亞人民的激進化只是促成因素,中亞安全威脅應著重研究激進主義的伊斯蘭化,而非伊斯蘭的激進化。
    The ranks of volunteers from Central Asia who joined the folds of ISIS constituted a notable contingent within the organization. Between 2016 and 2017, a series of terroristic incidents instigated by individuals and expatriates from Central Asia sparked a scholarly discourse regarding the evolution of religious terrorism in that region. The ultimate aspiration of this research is to shed luminance upon the authenticity of security threats prevailing within this region.

    This study based on radicalization analysis, supplemented with socio-psychological and social movement theories, employs an interdisciplinary approach to delve into the causal mechanisms linking push and pull factors behind Central Asian involvement in ISIS. The research centers its focus on shared grievances, collective experiences, and the milieu in which radicalization takes root. Furthermore, it investigates the ideological underpinnings ISIS and its adept utilization of social media and offline recruitment to construct a compelling allure for Central Asian.

    The study unravels that beneath the constructed narratives of ISIS propaganda, volunteers from Central Asia perceive ISIS as an innovative and ideal political order. Within the regional, Central Asian authorities employ repressive measures to consolidate their rule`s legitimacy and stifle avenues for political expression. This is compounded by unresolved ethnic and socio-economic issues along with corruption, all of which stoke the flames of discontent among the populace.

    Outside the region, Russia emerges as a radical milieu, providing fertile ground for extremist ideologies to take root. Central Asian migrant workers, having experienced social exclusion, constantly under pressures. They find solace and material sustenance within the offerings provided by the recruiters of ISIS, thus choosing this path as a strategy for coping. Facilitated by the camaraderie of peer groups and the tenets of social learning, these circumstances propel the people of Central Asia to transition from contemplation to concrete action, aligning themselves with the folds of the organization.
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