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Title: | 運用自創英文饒舌歌曲提升國中課後英語加強班學生學習動機之研究 The Effect of Using Self-Composed Rap Songs in a Junior High School EFL Classroom: Enhancing Learning Motivation for Students of After-School English Remedial Class |
Authors: | 邱書偉 Chiu, Shu-Wei |
Contributors: | 余明忠 Yu, Ming-Chung 邱書偉 Chiu, Shu-Wei |
Keywords: | 英語饒舌歌曲 學習動機 押韻字 English rap songs Learning motivation Rhyming words |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 16:29:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 對於語言學習而言,歌曲往往扮演著重要之腳色。第二語言學者 Tim Murphey及Kristin Lems等人發現,將歌曲融入語言學習中,不僅能提升學生學習動機,也有助於提升學習成效。研究者自青少年時期即是音樂愛好及表演者,本研究結合自身專長並運用國中基本1200單字及課本單字所自創之三首英文饒舌歌曲,應用於九位八年級英語課後加強班學生學習動機影響之研究,此研究所在學校為桃園市郊區之一所公立國中。九位參與者中,五位學生未通過補救教學測驗為低學習成就者,另四位通過補救教學測驗並自願參加課後英語加強班。
本研究發現,參與者在參與課程後,除了學習動機有明顯程度之提升,亦在單字檢定考試方面,有顯著之進步。相較於課程進行前對於英文學習消極的狀態,學生在課程中間逐漸培養對於英語學習之興趣,建立對於口說之語感,並更願意投入於英文相關活動。最後,研究者亦歡迎教育工作者使用其個人參照國中基本1200單字所編之英語單字押韻表,協助學生建立對於朗誦英文之語感。 Songs often play an essential role in language learning. Researchers, Tim Murphey and Kristin Lems in the field of EFL and ESL found that incorporating songs into language learning increases students’ motivation and improves learning outcomes. The researcher has been a music enthusiast and performer since his adolescence. To connect his interest and specialty into the current research, he composed three rap songs using the 1200 must-learn vocabulary for junior high school and the vocabulary in the textbook as instructional materials to assess the influences on the motivational changes of the nine eighth graders in the after-school English remedial class. The school is a public junior high school located in the suburbs of Taoyuan City in Northern Taiwan. In the study, five participants were students who did not pass the English remedial exam and were low achievers. The other four participants passed the exam but also volunteered to attend the course.
The whole teaching procedure started from October 2021 to January 2022, and there were 12 lessons, each lesson for 50 minutes. The following instruments were used to assess the motivational changes and the vocabulary learning effectiveness of the participants: (a) The English learning motivation questionnaire pre-test and post-test, (b) The rap song learning feedback sheet, (c) Semi-structured interview, (d) Student journals, (e) The scores on the vocabulary exams.
The participants showed an obvious improvement in learning motivation and notable progress in vocabulary exams after engaging in the course. Compared to their negative attitude towards English learning before the lessons, students gradually developed an interest in English learning, established a sense of fluency in speaking, and became more willing to engage in English-related activities during and after the course. Lastly, the researcher also welcomes educators to utilize the English rhyming words list he invented to assist students in cultivating a sense of fluency in reciting English. |
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