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    题名: 政府出版品轉製為流式電子書之決策研究——以視覺障礙者需求為導向
    The Study on Decision-Making of Government Publications’ Transform to Reflow Epub -- Oriented to the Need of Visually Impaired People
    作者: 張慧雯
    Chang, Hui-Wen
    贡献者: 邱炯友
    Chiu, Jeong-Yeou
    Chang, Hui-Wen
    关键词: 政府出版品
    Government Publications
    Reflow Epub
    Visually Impaired People
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-09-01 16:17:31 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   本研究旨在探討政府機關將政府出版品轉製為流式電子書之決策,試圖找出執行上的問題所在,以作為政府決策的參考,進而保障視障者的閱讀權利。文獻探討以視障者的圖書資訊需求、政府出版品及其法規政策、電子書作為基礎,再以半結構式的深度訪談法,針對機關的出版品專責人員進行訪談,藉此了解政府出版品的現況、專責人員的電子書專業和態度,以及轉製流式電子書過程中的各項決策因素及遇到的困難。
    This study aims to explore the decision-making of government agencies to transform government publications to reflow epub, and try to find out the implementation problems, which can be used as a reference for government decision-making, and then protect the reading rights of the visually impaired. The literature review is based on the book information needs of the visually impaired, government publications and their regulations and policies, and e-books, and then uses the semi-structured in-depth interview method to conduct interviews with the staff in charge of the publications of the government, so as to understand the status of government publications. Through this, we can understand the current situation of government publications, the e-book professionalism and attitude of the dedicated personnel, and various decision-making factors and difficulties encountered in the process of converting reflow epub.

    The interview results show that meeting the needs of the public and conforming to the trend are the main reasons for the conversion, especially when the initiator is the chief of the agency, the chances of converting paper books into reflow epub are high, and the book list selection criteria, authorization scope and file applicability are the key to finalize the transformation; in addition, the dedicated personnel lack e-book related training and rely on manufacturers to provide professional knowledge. Although various agencies promote cultural equality, they do not know that reflow epub is also a part of reading for the visually impaired.

    According to the research results of this study, it is suggested that the Ministry of Culture should improve and implement the “政府出版品管理要點”, incorporate more complete ebook specifications, require the publishing units of various agencies to upload electronic files to the government publications information network, and plan to build a national ebook platform for government publications, conduct regular ebook education training and lectures for dedicated personnel, and establish a smooth ebook consultation channel for government publications; on the other hand, it is also recommended that the library designated as a national specialized library for the visually impaired introduce the authorization of for accessibility ebook licensing to increase the number of ebooks suitable for visually impaired readers and further implement cultural equality.
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