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    Title: 安倍政府防衛政策之研究
    Japan’s Defense Policy under the Abe Administration
    Authors: 陳立修
    Chen, Li-Hsiu
    Contributors: 李明
    Lee, Ming
    Chen, Li-Hsiu
    Keywords: 安倍晉三
    Shinzō Abe
    Japan’s Defense Policy
    Proactive Contribution to Peace
    Limited Exercise of the Right of Collective Self-Defense
    U.S.-Japan Alliance
    Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:31:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 日本在二戰結束後制定了一部具有濃厚和平主義色彩的憲法,在憲法第9條的限制下,日本的防衛政策向來具有獨特的消極色彩。本文以安倍政府的防衛政策作為研究對象,由於主流的新現實主義難以說明日本的國家特色,因此本文運用新古典現實主義的研究途徑,探討安倍在面對漸趨嚴峻的國際環境中,如何採取內、外部的平衡政策加以因應,並在國際現實與國內因素的影響之下,政策內容出現一定程度的調整,留有戰後和平主義的基因,而有平衡不足的現象。為我們呈現安倍務實、漸進式的防衛政策改革路線,是本文運用新古典現實主義理論分析的主要結論。
    After the end of World War II, Japan enacted the post-war Constitution with strong pacifism, and under the restriction of Article 9 of the Constitution, Japan`s defense policy has always had a unique negative color. This paper takes the defense policy under the Abe administration as the research object, since the mainstream neorealism is difficult to explain the national characteristics of Japan, this paper uses the research approach of neoclassical realism to explore how Abe adopted internal and external balance in response to the increasingly severe international environment, and under the influence of international reality and domestic factors, the policy content had been adjusted to a certain extent, maintaining the gene of post-war pacifism, but also having the phenomenon of underbalancing. Showing us Abe`s pragmatic and evolutionary defense policy reform line is the main conclusion of this paper by using the neoclassical realism theory analysis.
    Nevertheless, Abe had served as prime minister twice, with a total of 2,822 consecutive days since he came to power at the end of 2012, and 3,188 days if combined with the first term in 2006, both of which are the longest records in Japan, and are even more rare in a country where prime ministers change frequently. In Abe`s long political career, he had promoted defense policy reform in an all-round way based on the concept of proactive contribution to peace. In terms of internal balance, Abe reformed the security system and broke the taboo of the limited exercise of the right of collective self-defense. In terms of external balance, Abe is also a strategist with a profound international vision, not only promoting the deepening of the U.S.-Japan alliance, but also leading the multilateral international strategies such as Quadrilateral Security Dialogue and Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy.
    Regardless of praise or criticism, Abe is not afraid to challenge the existing security framework and bring about major changes in Japan`s defense policy. These changes will become a watershed of Japan`s post-war defense policy and lay the foundation for the subsequent strategic trajectory. Abe left behind a comprehensive defense policy legacy that continues to influence Japan and the world after leaving office.
    Reference: 中文部分

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