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Title: | 應用生態補償策略於精進綠建築標章社區類之研究 The Study of Applying Ecological Compensation Strategy to Improve EEWH-EC (Green Building Label - Ecological Community) |
Authors: | 謝秀雯 Hsieh, Hsiu-Wen |
Contributors: | 孫振義 Sun, Chen-Yi 謝秀雯 Hsieh, Hsiu-Wen |
Keywords: | 生態社區 生態補償 生物多樣性 模糊德爾菲法 層級分析法 Ecological community Ecological compensation Biodiversity Fuzzy Delphi Method Analytical Hierarchy Process |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:13:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 因應氣候變遷、全球暖化的衝擊,聯合國永續發展核心議程早在2015年已將「陸地生態系統與生物多樣性」列入,因生態系服務的崩壞速度加快,為了推進自然生態系統環境資源達到零淨損失的政策目標,「生態補償策略」之議題也開始受到關注,以更有效率實現對於自然資源的恢復和保護,達到永續發展目標。 因人類土地利用後大量建築量體和工作物等的存在大幅改變之影響,各種生態區位皆受衝擊,快速影響地球整體生態環境,人類對生態認知的態度也因此有所轉變。傳統以人為中心的考量已漸向以生態為中心的土地倫理觀平衡模式趨進。 透過文獻回顧,本研究發現德國綠建築社區發展系統(DGNB),指標詳細程度及對永續發展的覆蓋範圍為各方面之最。進一步了德國生境網絡系統,乃是一附隨環境侵擾—補償制度、價值中立的運作系統為初始,至其後被納入成為自然環境母法(德國聯邦自然保護法)核心價值目標,並非偶然。衡酌台灣綠建築標章—生態社區類,似有異曲同工之處。在台灣,綠建築評估系統(EEWH)自1999年起推行至今,一貫以生態、節能、減廢、健康為主軸,其中生態社區類(EEWH-EC)誕生之初,迄今始終為六大家族評估範圍中最大尺度者,且創設之初即建立具有非強制性(資訊相對客觀)及開發區內生態統計調查(適度量化)之基礎,希能於其中尋求更加適應台灣本土特性,於增加環境淨增益目標下有更具實質進展之對接手段和策略。 爰此,本研究首先運用模糊德爾菲問卷的調查,確立目前EEWH-EC下涵蓋的生態軸向中,擴充可行性前提下,有益於的環境淨增益關鍵評估因素,進一步以層級分析各分類與指標因子之權重值,得出相對重要之排序,以作為未來引導基礎設施與現有周遭生態更多自然連結,營造更符合永續共生的社區環境。 In response to the impact of climate change and global warming, the United Nations core agenda for sustainable development has included "terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity" as early as 2015. In order to promote the policy goal of zero net loss of natural ecosystem environmental resources, " The issue of "ecological compensation strategy" has begun to receive attention. Due to the great changes in the existence of a large number of buildings and working objects after human land use, various ecological locations are affected, rapidly affecting the overall ecological environment of the earth, and human attitudes towards ecological cognition have also changed. The traditional human-centered considerations have gradually moved towards the ecologically-centered land ethics balance model. Through literature review, this study found that the German Green Building Community Development System (DGNB) has the most detailed indicators and the coverage of sustainable development in all aspects. A further understanding of the German habitat system is a value-neutral operating system with an accompanying environmental disturbance-compensation system. Considering Taiwan`s green building labels-ecological communities, there are similarities in purpose. In Taiwan, the Green Building Evaluation System (EEWH) has been implemented since 1999, and has always focused on ecology, energy saving, waste reduction, and health. Among them, the ecological community category (EEWH-EC) has been evaluated by the six major families since its birth. The one with the largest scale and non-mandatory, based on relatively objective information and appropriate quantification. Therefore, this study first uses the investigation of fuzzy Delphi questionnaire to establish the key evaluation factors of beneficial environmental net gain in the current ecological axis covered by EEWH-EC under the premise of the feasibility of expansion, and further analyzes each classification and The weights of the index factors are used to obtain a relatively important ranking, which will serve as a guide for the future to guide more natural connections between the infrastructure and the existing surrounding ecology, and create a community environment that is more in line with sustainable symbiosis. |
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