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Title: | 策展最後一哩路:數位整合行銷傳播關鍵因素研究 The Last Mile of the Curating: Key Factors of Digital Integrated Marketing Communications |
Authors: | 余盈婕 Yu, Ying-Chieh |
Contributors: | 鄭自隆 余盈婕 Yu, Ying-Chieh |
Keywords: | 策展 數位整合行銷傳播 修正式德菲法 因素分析 factor analysis curating digital integrated marketing communication modified Delphi method |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:34:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在台灣舉辦的藝文展覽活動數量與參與人數逐年增長,如何吸引民眾參加展覽成為策展人需了解的議題。由於當前缺乏展覽開幕後至閉幕期間,進行數位整合行銷傳播參考依據,所以本研究從實務層面進行探討,希望建構藝術類型策展之數位整合行銷傳播關鍵因素,以提供策展人更全面且具體的指標參考,希望提升展覽宣傳效果。 本研究以藝術類策展之數位整合行銷傳播方式作為研究對象,經由相關文獻綜整,以及修正式德菲法匯集專家意見,最終透過指標分析彙整,建構出藝術類型策展之數位整合行銷傳播關鍵因素。
研究結果發現,策展數位整合行銷傳播之關鍵因素為: 1. 整合社群行銷,傳播展覽訊息 2. 強化「故事」包裝,增加宣傳效果 3. 增強網路效能,分享活動內容 4. 舉辦線下活動,增加實質好感 5. 迎合流行趨勢,提升討論熱度 6. 完善官網資訊,公告展覽細節 7. 鎖定適當通路,呼籲觀眾參與 The quantity and population of exhibitions held in Taiwan are increasing every year. How to attract public participating in the exhibitions has become the issue as necessary for the curators. Since the referential basis over digital integrated marketing communication is deficit during the period from opening to closing of the exhibition by now, it is hoped to provide curators with more comprehensive and physical referential indicators by creating the key factors of digital integrated marketing communication for art exhibitions as to enhance the promotional effects. The subject of study is the methods of digital integrated marketing communication for art exhibitions. By using relevant literatures summarization and expert opinions collected via Modified Delphi Method, the key factors of digital integrated marketing communication for art exhibitions are created through final summary of factor analysis. According to the study results, the key factors of digital integrated marketing communication for curating are: 1. Integrate social media marketing to communicate exhibition information 2. Reinforce “story” package to advance the promotional effects 3. Improve network efficacy to share content of activities 4. Organize offline activities to increase preference 5. Cater to popular trend and increase the heat of discussions 6. Complete information on official website, announce details of exhibitions 7. Aim at channels as appropriate and call for the participations of public |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 108941017 |
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