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Title: | 服務業附加價值對新興經濟體經濟成長的影響 The Effects of Services Value-added on Economic Growth in Emerging Economies |
Contributors: | 彭喜樞 李瑞奇 JOSE RICARDO LIZAMA DE MARCHENA |
Keywords: | 附加價值 服務業 國內生產毛額 經濟成長 新興經濟體 Value-added Service sector GDP Economic growth Emerging economies |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:02:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文旨在探討服務業附加價值對新興經濟體經濟成長的影響。七 大新興經濟體的產出占了全球總產出相當顯著的比例,截至2017年 已達到25%,突顯了它們在全球經濟中的重要性。同時,本論文所 分析的新興經濟體服務業的附加價值,在2019年時已達到總產出的 55%。無論在就業抑或技術創新方面,服務業的發展都非常顯著。在 大規模就業和全球價值鏈內部連結的推動下,服務業附加價值對於 加速新興經濟體的經濟成長確實發揮了關鍵作用。本論文因而採取 2000至2019年之間33個新興經濟體的平衡面板資料,來估計服務業 附加價值對GDP的影響,以及附加價值成長率與GDP成長率之間的 關係。此外,本論文還將上述服務業的估計效果與工業及和農業部 門的估計效果做比較。本論文的研究結果指出,平均來說,若服務 業附加價值增加1%,則GDP將上升0.84%,超過了工業和農業部門 各自的0.61%和0.36%的影響。至於附加價值成長率與GDP成長率的 關係,本論文發現平均而言,服務業附加價值成長率每提高 1%,GDP成長率增加0.54%,超過了工業和農業部門各自的0.45%和 0.07%。 This study aims to examine the impact of value-added in the service sector on the economic growth of emerging economies. The seven largest emergent economies have accounted for a significant portion of the world’s total output, reaching 25% in 2017, highlighting their importance in the global economy. Simultaneously, the value-added by the service sector in the economies analyzed in this study, has reached 55% of their total output in 2019. The development of the service sector has been remarkable both in terms of employment and technological innovation. Driven by a massive employment and intrinsic interconnections in global value chains, the value-added in the service sector plays a pivotal role in accelerating the economic growth rate of emerging economies. Therefore, this study uses a balanced panel data from 33 emerging economies between 2000 to 2019 to estimate the impact of service sector value-added on GDP, and to estimate the relationship between value-added growth rate and GDP growth rate. Additionally, the study will compare this impact across the industrial, and agricultural sectors. The findings indicate that, on average, a 1% increase in service sector value-added increases GDP by 0.84%, surpassing the respective impacts of the industrial and agricultural sectors, which are 0.61% and 0.36%. As for the relationship between value-added growth rate and GDP growth rate is concerned, on average, a 1% increase in service sector value-added growth rate increases GDP growth rate by 0.54%, surpassing the respective impacts of the industrial and agricultural sectors, which are 0.45% and 0.07%. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 應用經濟與社會發展英語碩士學位學程(IMES) 110266012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110266012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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