简介:創新國際學院成立於2018年,為台灣第一個以全球研究前瞻策略為中心的學院,我們提供問題解決導向與跨領域整合型訓練,課程設計秉持「跨領域學習」、「資訊處理能力」、「永續發展與公民權」的核心理念,整合社會科學、法律研究、資訊與資料科學等領域進行規劃,為培養青年學子參與公共事務熱忱與解決問題之創新能力而努力。 Established in 2018, the International College of Innovation (ICI) is the first college in Taiwan that provides an innovative global studies education in English to exceptional Taiwanese and international students. ICI students earn a bachelor's degree in Global Studies grounded in three tracks: global governance, sustainability & society, and data analytics. ICI's multi-disciplinary approach allows students to access resources from all across NCCU, and a comprehensive and professional approach to education prepares students for promising careers in business, international affairs, and the social and data sciences.