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    Title: 學校組織氣候與教師工作滿意關係之後設分析
    A Meta-analysis of the Relationship between School Climate and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
    Authors: 謝佳琳
    Sie, Jia-Lin
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Sie, Jia-Lin
    Keywords: 學校組織氣候
    School climate
    Teachers’ job satisfaction
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:44:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在使用後設分析方法,探討學校組織氣候與教師工作滿意及其次構面相關性之後設分析,分析文獻包含1990年起至2023年1月之國內外以教師為研究對象之學位論文、期刊共47篇。
    研究結果顯示學校組織氣候與教師工作滿意整體具有正向顯著相關;其次,學校組織氣候與教師工作滿意分構面之平均效果值,依序為校長領導(0.513)> 工作環境(0.371)>人際關係(0.363)>工作本身(0.326)>工作報酬 (0.311),可得知校長領導對於教師工作滿意之重要性。
    The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between school climate and teachers` job satisfaction by using meta-analysis method. Data were extracted from 47 studies which include theses,and peer review journals during 1990 to January 2023.
    The study found that, school climate has a positive correlation with teachers` job satisfaction; secondly, under the random effects model,the mean effect sizes of school
    climate and sub-variables of teachers` job satisfaction from high to low:principal leadership (0.513)>working environment (0.371)>interpersonal relationship (0.363)>job itself (0.326)>job compensation (0.311).It found the importance of principal leadership to teachers` job satisfaction.
    Finally, according to the results of meta-analysis , the suggestions were proposed for the reference of educational administration practice and future research.The suggestions are as follows:1.Construct a friendly school climate to improve teachers` job satisfaction.2.Encourage teachers to improve their professionalism.3.Enhance principals decision-making ability and leadership skill.4.Create good interpersonal relationships with campus members.5.Give teachers material and spiritual rewards.6.Optimize the
    campus atmosphere and the surrounding environment.
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