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    Title: 閱聽人對影視跟騷內容浪漫化結構的詮釋與反思—以《當男人戀愛時》為例
    Audiences` Interpretation and Reflection on the Romanticized Structure of Stalking and Harassment Content in Films:Using Man in Love as an Example
    Authors: 葉潔丹
    Yeh, Jie-Dan
    Contributors: 劉慧雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Yeh, Jie-Dan
    Keywords: 閱聽人研究
    Audience research
    Romantic film
    Stalking and harassment
    Structuration theory
    Gender scripts
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:37:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對於有些人來說電影中所涉及的跟騷行為是一種「例外」,但對有些人來說卻為惡夢般的日常。浪漫愛流行文本結構中,存在許多涉及跟蹤騷擾的追求行為,而各式閱聽人對於浪漫愛文本中,涉及跟騷行為的追求方式,則呈現明顯態度和詮釋的不同。部分閱聽人傾向將現實生活與虛構文本,切割開來探討,認為如果不如此拍攝,電影劇情即可能相形失色。這種電影「好看的」結構持續影響受訪者,並將其拉回虛構的浪漫愛文本架構中;然亦有閱聽人於文本解讀上,呈現完全對立的詮釋,認為劇中不論在角色的性別刻畫,和前期涉及跟騷的追求行為,皆使她於觀影過程中感到不適。
    For some people, the stalking and harassment involved in the film is an "exception," but for others it is a routine nightmare. The structure of popular romance texts includes many behaviors of pursuit that involve stalking and harassment. There are distinct differences in attitudes and interpretations of stalking and harassment from various audiences of romance texts. Some audiences tend to separate real life from fictional text, arguing that the film`s plot might be overshadowed if it were not filmed in this way. This "enjoyable" structure movies continues to influence the respondents and draw them back into the fictional textual framework of romantic love. On the other hand, some audiences present completely opposing interpretations of the text, saying that the portrayal of the characters` gender and the pursuit of sex in the early stages of the movie make them feel uncomfortable.
    Through in-depth interviews, this study identified three levels of rationalization for the presentation of stalking and harassment in popular texts:
    (1) some audiences saw the film as a special text and confined it to a limited scope;
    (2) the text of Man in Love rationalized the stalking and harassment of the male protagonist by heavily portraying his virtuous and filial personalities;
    (3) Man in Love infantilizes the romantic pursuit, making the audiences assume the role of mothers when watching the film which implies that the audiences must accept the childish behaviors.
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