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Title: | 台灣保養品牌跨國發展與成長策略:以「寵愛之名」為個案研究 International Development and Expansion Strategies of Taiwanese Skincare Brands: A Case Study of "FOR BELOVED ONE" |
Authors: | 吳蓓薇 Wu, Pei-Wei |
Contributors: | 黃國峯 Huang, Kuo-Feng 吳蓓薇 Wu, Pei-Wei |
Keywords: | 創業 永續經營 國際化 國際化策略 中小企業挑戰 Entrepreneurship Sustainable Management Internationalization Internationalization Strategy SME Challenge |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:25:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣品牌眾多,其中能發展成大型跨國企業,且能永續經營的台灣企業卻少之又少,本論文將以2003年創立的「寵愛之名 專業醫美保養」品牌進行研究,從品牌的創業初期,至品牌的成功期,延續至現今企業的永續經營,並由創辦人自述,搭配實際營運的數據加以輔佐,進一步探討各階段成功的關鍵因素:
進入成功期後,「寵愛之名」藉由與全球最頂級的國際美妝渠道合作帶來前期的大幅成長,而在後期面對與該渠道解除獨家供應合約,卻可持續與其維持穩定合作,同時快速擴張版圖,迅速上架其他渠道,強勢提升營業額,逐步擴增國際市場,也成為「寵愛之名」能屹立不搖的關鍵因素。 進入永續期後,「寵愛之名」依然持續永續經營,呵護全天下女人的肌膚,即使遇到全球疫情,也積極地面對轉型的需求,形成新的「寵愛之名」成長曲線;因應現今時代與科技發展,大幅增加線上銷售比例,並使用KOL/KOC、直播及Podcast等行銷方式,持續推動「寵愛之名」商品的銷售,同時將線下銷量帶入線上,實現全通路佈局。
而針對台灣中小企業成長的挑戰,創辦人也提出四點觀察:內需市場小;傳統產業居多;太多人想要自己當老闆;創業思維中未留有併購擴張的想像空間,並期許中小企業藉由好的國際性視野的人才,從全世界的市場中看見國際上所缺乏的間隙市場,並透過與台灣優良的中小企業合作,並搭配好的合作夥伴、專業經理人與管理團隊等,達成擴張或併購的可能性,讓中小企業得以克服成長之挑戰。 There are many Taiwanese brands, among which there are very few Taiwanese companies that can develop into large multinational enterprises and sustainable operations, the thesis will conduct research on the brand "For Beloved One Cosmeceutical Skincare" founded in 2003, the founder`s statement, supplemented by actual operation data, to further explore the key factors of success at each stage: in the early days of its establishment, "For Beloved One" has the following five keys: the product is unique and irreplaceable, clear product market analysis and accurate channel selection, strong product strength comes with marketing, strong partnership and actively invest in R&D.
After entering the success period, "For Beloved One" has brought substantial growth in the early stage by cooperating with the world`s top international beauty channels, and in the later stage, in the face of terminating the exclusive supply contract with this channel, it can continue to maintain stable cooperation with it, while rapidly expanding its territory, quickly listing other channels, strongly increasing turnover, and gradually expanding the international market, which has also become a key factor for "For Beloved One" to stand tall.
After entering the perpetual period, continues to operate , caring the skin of women all over the world, even in the face of the global epidemic, it also actively faces the needs of transformation, forming a new growth curve of the name of pampering; In response to the current era and technological development, we have significantly increased the proportion of online sales, and used KOL/KOC, live streaming and podcast marketing methods to continue to promote the sales of "Pampered Name" products, while bringing offline sales online to achieve a full-channel layout.
In view of the challenges of the growth of Taiwan`s small and medium-sized enterprises, the founder also make four observations: the domestic market is small, traditional industries are predominant, many people want to be their own boss, there is no imagination of M&A expansion in entrepreneurial thinking, and it is hoped that SMEs can see the gap market in the world market through good international vision talents, and achieve the possibility of expansion or M&A through cooperation with Taiwan`s excellent SMEs and good partners, professional managers and management teams, so that SMEs can overcome the challenges of growth. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 109932435 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109932435 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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