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    Title: 社區參與在莫拉克風災心理復原中的角色
    The role of community participation in the psychological recovery of Typhoon Morakot disaster
    Authors: 卓韋鋐
    Cho, Wei-Hung
    Contributors: 蘇昱璇
    Su, Yu-Hsuan
    Cho, Wei-Hung
    Keywords: 災後重建
    Disaster reconstruction
    Psychological recovery
    Community participation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 16:21:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 災害對人類生活帶來嚴重衝擊,不只破壞了原本正常的生活秩序,往往還對個人的心理健康產生不利影響,不管是外在財產及人際網絡的損壞或是內在心理的創傷都須經歷一段時間的恢復,但相較於房屋財產的損失,個人心理創傷更難復原,且心理復原的情況容易受到外在環境因素影響,因此災後重建對於受災者來說格外重要。
    Disasters have a serious impact on human life. It not only destroys the normal order of life, but also has a bad influence on the mental health of individuals. Damages of property and personal networks and internal psychological trauma all require a period of recovery. Psychological recovery is especially difficult and susceptible to external environmental factors. Therefore, the post-disaster reconstruction is very important for the victims.
    With the rise of civic consciousness, community participation has gradually become the core implementation for post-disaster reconstruction. It has transformed the rebuilding of post-disaster communities into a collaborative effort between the government, non-governmental organizations, and community residents. By implementing citizen participation at the community level, not only does it strengthen resilience, but it also serves as a system to balance governmental power. Therefore, this study uses Social Impacts and Recovery Survey of Typhoon Morakot for quantitative analysis. By exploring the relationship between the characteristics of community residents and their involvement in “community participation” and “psychological recovery” to examine the potential challenges faced by community residents in participating in community public affairs after a disaster and in the process of psychological recovery. This study found that people from the most damaged areas, indigenous people, people who are married, have no children, higher-income, and those with a high level of trust in the disaster recovery capabilities of the government and non-governmental organizations are more likely to participate in community reconstruction. On the other hand, women, indigenous people, widows, and divorced individuals tend to be more vulnerable in terms of psychological recovery.
    In order to understand the function of community participation after disaster, we further analyze the impact of community participation on psychological recovery. Although the regression results did not show significant benefits of community participation on residents’ psychological recovery as expected, it still has a moderation effect on some variables, such as marriage, religious beliefs, trust in community disaster recovery capabilities, and community identity. etc. Furthermore, the level of participation also elicited different responses in terms of psychological recovery. Therefore, this study believes that active community participation may not always be beneficial for psychological recovery, and community residents should adopt appropriate recovery strategies based on their individual circumstances.
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