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Title: | 生態系統觀點下的商業模式創新策略—以樂高集團為例 Business Model Innovation Strategies based on Ecosystem Perspective - a Case Study of the LEGO Group |
Authors: | 鄭惠慈 Cheng, Hui-Tzu |
Contributors: | 吳思華 Wu, Se-Hwa 鄭惠慈 Cheng, Hui-Tzu |
Keywords: | 生態系統 策略發展 商業模式創新 玩具產業 樂高集團 企業轉型 Ecosystem Strategic development Business model innovation Toy industry LEGO Group Enterprise transformation |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:33:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在新時代、新科技、新價值觀體系的環境挑戰下,企業組織紛紛希望藉由商業模式創新帶動產業轉型。然而,在非生態系統觀點下盲目的商業模式創新,往往為企業帶來更大的生存危機。因此,本研究藉由探討全球玩具產業龍頭樂高集團在生態系統發展下的商業模式創新策略,提供其他企業對商業模式創新、生態系統建立及永續成長的靈感與未來發展的可能建議。
總結來說,本研究對樂高集團在生態系統觀點下的商業模式創新策略研究分析後,共有四個研究結論,分別是: (一)策略核心為共生:以價值主張號召行動者,發展生態系統求共生。 (二)經營範疇需共創:傾聽玩家的聲音,共同創造新範疇。 (三)核心資源需共振:洞察網絡舊資源,場域共振新多用。 (四)事業網絡需共演:挖掘使用者需求,成長發展共演化。 Under the challenges of the new era, new technology and new value system, business organizations are hoping to stimulate industrial transformation through business model innovation. However, the blind business model innovation under the non-ecosystem perspective often brings a greater risk of survival for enterprises. Therefore, this thesis reviews the business model innovation strategies of the Lego Group, the global leader in the toy industry, in the context of ecosystem perspective, to provide inspiration to other enterprises on business model innovation, ecosystem establishment and sustainable growth for the future.
This thesis adopts a case study research method and uses secondary data collection and interviews with related actors to compile and analyze case materials. The research findings show that the core of the LEGO Group`s strategy to transform the role of toys and build a harmonious ecosystem is through revolving around value propositions and the identification of users` needs, which followed by the design and implementation of new business models to achieve business model innovation.
In summary, there are four conclusions from this thesis after analyzing the business model innovation strategies of the LEGO Group under the ecosystem perspective, which are: (1) The core of the strategy is symbiosis: call on the actors with value proposition and develop the ecosystem for symbiosis. (2) Business scope needs to be co-created: listen to players` voices and create new business scopes together. (3) Core resources need to convert: Insight network old resources in the field of conversion to create new multi-purpose. (4) Business network needs to co-evolve: explore users` needs and develop co-evolution for growth. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 109364118 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364118 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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