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    Title: 俄羅斯對中政策轉變研究(2012-2019)
    A Study on Russia`s Policy toward China (2012-2019)
    Authors: 許傳家
    Hsu, Chuan-Chia
    Contributors: 許菁芸
    Hsu, Jing-Yun
    Hsu, Chuan-Chia
    Keywords: 俄中關係
    Sino-Russian relationship
    Neoclassical realism
    Power network
    Strategic partnership
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-01-05 15:30:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2012年至2019年間,俄羅斯與中國透過簽署戰略夥伴協議提升雙邊關係。但是關於俄羅斯主動提升對中關係之原因與過程尚待釐清。儘管相關文獻豐富,但多數分析集中於國際體系層次的因素,例如北約東擴或國際能源市場。另一方面,國內因素之研究則缺乏整合性觀點。也因此目前為止缺乏對俄羅斯國內行為者的影響力與對中決策的通盤性研究。
    A series of ratifying strategic partner agreements from 2012 to 2019 have enhanced the bilateral relationship between Russia and China. However, it is unclear why Russia is willing to strengthen its ties with China. Despite the abundant literature, most of the studies focus on the factors at the level of the international system, such as the expansion of NATO or the international market of energy. On the other hand, the studies on domestic factors lack of integrated point of view. Thus, there is no overall research on the influence of domestic actors and its correlation to Russia’s China policy so far.
    The paper analyses how the decision-makers of Russia’s foreign policy precept the international and domestic systems from 2012 to 2019. Through the theories of neo-classical realism and the approaches of literature analysis, the paper suggests that the power network of fractional politics centered on Putin is the critical variable in Russia’s foreign policy with China.
    The paper indicates that there are two different reasons for the enhancement of the Sino-Russian relationship from 2012 to 2019. In 2012, the domestic actors in Russia still had some independence in the decision making process, relying on their personal professions to make the policy and intensified the Sino-Russian relationship under the Putin-Centered decision making network. In 2019, however, the agenda was driven by emergencies such as the conflicts in the Crimean Peninsula and the soaring Sino-American confrontations. Most actors are forced to strengthen their relationship with China to maintain their economic interests and political positions. At the same time, Putin’s centralization of power and the new formation of the power network in the Russian fractional political structure lower the actors’ independence and influence in the decision making process. For the above reasons, it enhances the Sino-Russian relationship and the founding of the “new era of comprehensive strategic partnership”.
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