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Title: | 自比較法觀點再思考我國人身保險利益制度 A Study on Insurable Interest: Focus on Life Policy and Seek to Reconstruct the Existing Legislation in Taiwan from a Perspective of Comparative Law |
Authors: | 李柔儀 Li, Lou-yi |
Contributors: | 葉啟洲 彭金隆 李柔儀 Li, Lou-yi |
Keywords: | 保險利益 道德危險 得被保險人同意 借名投保 陌生人發起保單 強制規定 契約自由 脫法行為 公序良俗 Insurable interest Moral hazard Consent of the life insured Traded life policy investments Stranger-Owned Life Insurance |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:35:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 保險利益原則最早於保險起源地英國僅適用於財產保險,而後為了防止有心人士以他人生命身體投保,藉以投機獲利的情況,英國法才將保險利益制度適用於人身保險。隨保險制度發展,人身保險利益制度也有了悠久的歷史,向來被認為有區分賭博與保險、防止道德危險等功能,比較法上尚有認為保險利益為人身保險重要要素,有區辨保險與其他金融商品等立法目的。 惟在我國保險法立法兼參酌歐陸、英美兩大法系下,產生許多本土特有問題,自保險利益原則適用的範圍、應該存在的對象、時點,均生歧異,學者莫不按其留學國法系提出解決方式;在保險利益制度存在的情況下,謀害被保險人以獲取保險金的保險犯罪仍層出不窮;另一方面,法定人身保險利益過於狹窄,相當程度限制保險制度的功能及作用範圍,甚至成為事故後保險人慣用拒絕理賠的抗辯手段之一。以上問題顯示出我國保險利益規範的存在本身即充滿爭議。 除了上述疑義外,人身保險利益制度亦產生許多新興實務問題,例如以符合保險利益規範之人出名擔任要保人,利用我國常見的借名契約,即可創造適法外觀、規避現行人身保險利益規範;再者,若依保險法第16之1條我國立法委員提案脈絡及學者見解,肯認信託受託人對委託人等亦具備保險利益,會否提供投機份子另一規避人身保險利益規範的管道,加劇上述借名投保之情事,均值得注意。 採行人身保險利益制度之英美法系國家,亦產生相似爭議,故本文自上述實務所生爭議出發,透過分析比較法相關規範修正沿革,觀察各國如何解決此類爭端,重新思考現行規範之妥適性及必要性,期能得出我國借鑑修法之方向。 The purpose of the doctrine of insurable interest on life policy mainly includes preventing moral hazard and distinguished insurance from wagers; however, insurance fraud still occur frequently. Some of perspectives also pointed that the doctrine of insurable interest was too strict for people to purchase insurance and claimed that the requirement should be loosened. At the same time, the act of borrowing others’ name has been practiced in Taiwan for years. After the recognition of registering real estate under other person’s name in judicial practice, the act of borrowing others’ name has been applied to other contracts, such as contracts of deposit or stock etc. In insurance practice, it is common to apply for insurance under others’ name in Taiwan. Two people without insurable interest make a agreement that the sponsor be the insured, the borrower actually pay the premium and be appointed to be beneficiary. The purpose is to avoid requirement of insurable interest in life insurance. Since formal right holders and substantive right holders are inconsistent, the internal and external relations have caused many disputes in practice. Moreover, due to the specialty of the trust contract, known as the conduit principle, the trust property only belongs to the trustee nominally. The trustee only administers or disposes the trust property according to the trust contract. Similarly, in the insurance contract, the trustee is only the nominal proposer, while the settlor is the actual one. Thus, according to the conduit principle insurable interest had by the settlor can be passed-through the trustee. It is the original purpose of Article 16-1 of Insurance Law. However, if we recognized that the trustee also has insurable interest toward the settlor, the next question is that would it provide another chance for evading obligations of the principle of insurable interest, and aggravate the above-mentioned situation of the act of borrowing others’ name? While doing the research on concrete questions, we may find that there are similar controversies from comparative law. This article aims to find a resolution to the legal disputes through referring to the theory and comparative law. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險學系 107358016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107358016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201610 |
Appears in Collections: | [風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文
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