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    Title: 矛盾的紐帶-從同袍情誼中看見異性戀盟友
    Contradictory Bond: Seeing Heterosexual Allies through Comradeships
    Authors: 陳靜儀
    Chen, Ching-Yi
    Contributors: 王增勇
    Wang, Tsen-Yung
    Keywords: 異性戀盟友
    Heterosexual Ally
    Hegemonic Masculinity
    Male Bond
    Life History
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:32:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探索軍隊異性戀男性,成為同志軍人在軍隊中的異性戀盟友之歷程與經驗。本研究以批判性男性研究的視角,探討在我國軍隊情境中,促使異性戀男性發展成為盟友的因素,以及異性戀男性,在軍隊情境中實踐盟友行動的方式與策略。透過生活史的敘事方法,藉由十位軍隊異性戀盟友的真實經驗,探索可供軍隊在相關政策制定與實務工作推展上的建議。本研究發現如下:
    The purpose of this study is to explore the journey and experience of heterosexual men in the military as they develop into heterosexual allies. From the perspective of Critical Study of Male, this paper attempts to explore the factors that promote the development of heterosexual men into allies, as well as the ways and strategies that allies practice in the military in Taiwan. Through the narrative method of life history, it is expected that with the real experience of 10 military heterosexual allies, we can firure out some suggestions for the military to improve relevant policies and practical work. This study found the following:
    1. The development of the military heterosexual allies is influenced by the individual`s social position, and is a dynamic process of continuous internal revision and external practice according to situational conditions. The key of the development is the contact experiences that enable individuals to transcend the prejudice. Therefore, contact does not necessarily bring about changes, but the situational conditions during the contact process may be more critical.
    2. The bonds in the military are the top priority for heterosexual allies before taking action. Most allies avoid military-class power conflicts rather than taking ally actions, but some allies will come forward because of the emotional bonds between them and gay. Therefore, the male bond in the military is like a double-edged sword. It not only c enhancing the gender oppression to gays, but also inspiring allies to protect their comrades, and become the potential for the transformation of the military`s gender culture.
    3. The scope of action of heterosexual allies in the military is like a heart-shaped "differential pattern". From the inside out, four ally types can be distinguished: silent, grassroots, relational, and social justice allies. The larger the scope of the action, the more conflicting action way is taken.
    4. The actions of heterosexual allies in the military can be divided into three types: getting own way, expanding contact, and challenging the institution. According to their social position, allies will develop different action strategies to meet the needs of the situation,
    This study suggests that the military should shift the gender work from prohibiting sexual discrimination to helping soldiers with understanding the concept of gender diversity; and to extend the target of missionary education from grass-roots unit to all levels, to provide senior officers with opportunities to gain new knowledge about gender,and further narrow the generational gap in the military.
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