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    Title: 以創新擴散觀點探討影響我國地方政府推行MyData之因素
    Factors affecting the implementation of MyData in Taiwan Local Governments: A view of innovation diffusion
    Authors: 林稟恒
    Lin, Bing-Heng
    Contributors: 朱斌妤

    Chu, Pin-Yu
    Tseng, Hsien-Lee

    Lin, Bing-Heng
    Keywords: 智慧政府
    Digital Government
    MyData service
    Public sector organization innovation diffusion
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:15:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因應資通訊科技發展,公部門藉由數位科技引進數位化的創新服務,是必然的趨勢,並以追求簡單與便利的公部門創新服務為目標。與此同時,也開始注重解決民眾生活痛點,發展以人為中心並運用資料串聯公部門的服務,推行更符合現代化人性的數位創新服務,其中便包含MyData服務。基此,我國公部門推出個人化資料自主運用(MyData)平臺。然而,公部門推行MyData服務的過程中,亦會碰到一定的困難與挑戰。本研究將以此做為研究出發,鎖定目前已推行MyData服務之地方政府-臺南市政府、高雄市政府、嘉義縣政府、雲林縣政府,以創新擴散觀點探討,影響其資訊單位與業務單位推行MyData服務因素。


    With the development of Information and Communication Technologies (Icts), it is an inevitable trend for the public sector to introduce digital innovative services by means of digital technologies, and to pursue convenient innovative services for the public sector. At the same time, it also began to focus on solving the pain points of people`s life, developing human-centered services and connecting public departments with data, and implementing digital innovative services more in line with modern human nature, including MyData service. Based on this, Taiwan`s public sector launched personalized data independent using platform. However, there will be difficulties and challenges in the implementation of MyData services in the public sector. This study will focus on the local governments that have implemented MyData services, Tainan City government, Kaohsiung City government, Chiayi County government and Yunlin County government, and discuss the factors influencing the implementation of MyData services by their IT sector and agency sectors from the perspective of innovation diffusion.

    The research methods of this study are secondary analysis research and in-depth interview. Through the meeting time and information of MyData service set up by local government in the secondary data, we can understand the context of MyData service implemented by local government, and it is also used as the evidence of the thesis of innovation diffusion among organizations discussed in this study. Through in-depth interviews four counties IT sector and their recommended agency sector and the manufacturers, about carrying out the MyData service idea and strategy, process and implementation status, encountered difficulties and challenges and development trends of the future, due to substantial effect pushing MyData service factors of local government in Taiwan.

    The results show that IT sectors play an important role in the implementation of MyData service by local governments in Taiwan. They try to improve the data security of MyData service and reduce the digital divide between users. However, they are still searching for a MyData model suitable for agency sectors and the public. In addition, this study also found that the core factors affecting the implementation of MyData service by local government IT sectors and agency sectors in Taiwan are supportive leadership and competition. At the same time, the implementation of MyData service among counties and cities of local governments in Taiwan is also spreading.
    Reference: 中文部分



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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108256027
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201297
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