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    Title: 從國際關係理論及歐盟法規範探討歐盟綠色政綱之發展與實踐
    A Study on the Development and Practice of the EU Green Deal from International Relations Theories and EU Law
    Authors: 劉蕙綺
    Liu, Hui-Chi
    Contributors: 許耀明
    Hsu, Yao-Ming
    Liu, Hui-Chi
    Keywords: 歐盟綠色政綱
    The EU Green Deal
    International Relations Theory
    International Relations Theory and International Law
    EU Law
    Climate Change
    EU Climate Change Policy
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:12:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本文旨在透過國際關係理論與歐盟法規範,分析歐盟及其成員國在氣候變遷議題上之合作原因,並進一步探討歐盟綠色政綱之發展與未來可能遭遇之挑戰。
      歐盟法規範因其具有直接適用性和優先效力,對於成員國之拘束力高於一般國際協定。歐盟在《歐洲聯盟運作條約》(Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)條文文字中納入氣候變遷,又將歐盟綠色政綱之氣候目標立法,欲透過歐盟法規範中對成員國具有拘束力之法律類型要求成員國在實現目標上共同努力。
    This thesis aims to analyze the reasons for the cooperation between the EU and its member states on the issue of climate change through international relations theories and EU law, and to explore the development and the challenges of the EU Green Deal.
    In order to combat climate change, countries promoted international climate cooperation and shared obligations of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. After the Kyoto Protocol has adopted, the EU implemented a series of climate policies to meet its commitment.
    This thesis tries to analyze the establishment of EU climate policies through international relations theories. For realism, interest is the key point. Climate issue helps the EU promoting European identity and European integration. Furthermore, it helps the EU rebuilding its leadership in the international community. As for the member states, they are concerned about their national security and economic interests. For liberalism, the international regime created by the EU is also an important reason why the member states are willing to cooperate with others. For constructivism, the norms and the identity of EU society are the reason why the EU and the member states make efforts to slow down climate change.
    The principle of direct applicability and the supremacy makes EU law be further binding than general international agreements. To require the member states of achieving the goal of EU Green Deal, the EU writes into law the combat with climate change and the goal set out in the European Green Deal.
    However, to achieve the target of the European Green Deal, there are still several difficulties for the EU to overcome. First, the differences between the member states in terms of national conditions and environment will test the EU`s ability to coordinate, communicate and urge member states to implement EU policies. Moreover, although EU law is legally binding on member states, there are still many cases where member states have not abided by EU norms. How to make member states comply will also be a challenge. Finally, the world situation may change drastically at any time, and the EU needs to maintain the flexibility to respond to emergencies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108961017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201420
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