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    Title: 台灣離岸風力發電發展政策與法制研析
    A Study on the Development of Offshore Wind Power Policy and Regulations in Taiwan
    Authors: 李佳禾
    Lee, Chia-Ho
    Contributors: 許耀明
    Hsu, Yao-Ming
    Lee, Chia-Ho
    Keywords: 離岸風力發電
    Offshore wind power
    Local Content Requirement
    Renewable Energy Development Act
    The Electricity Act
    Investor -State Dispute Settlement
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:11:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣的能源有98%以上皆仰賴國外進口,對於能源供需及國家安全一直是各方關注的議題。在全球資源日益枯竭與民眾環保意識逐漸高漲之下,再生能源已成為國際間競相發展的新趨勢。國發會所公布之「臺灣2050淨零路徑規劃」提出淨零轉型之十二項關鍵戰略,包括風電/光電、氫能、前瞻能源、電力系統與儲能、節能等項目。其中再生能源於整體電力配比達到60%以上,太陽光電裝置容量屆時將達到40GW至80GW;而離岸風力發電裝置容量則是達到40GW至55GW。顯見再生能源未來在台灣淨零路徑扮演重要角色。
    我國現行能源政策對於再生能源發展上採用國際上常見之躉購費率(Feed-in Tariff, FIT)。在太陽光電之推動上,不論是上游的太陽能面板製造業,或是下游發電系統施工組裝,皆已具備良好的產業基礎。然而從無到有的離岸風力發電,雖然最具發展潛力,且電業法在兩階段修法改革中推動電業自由化及電網公共化之能源轉型。儘管如此,離岸風電發展仍然面臨眾多法規及技術上待解決之問題,舉凡離岸風力發電開發法源及法律位階、離岸風力發電開發供應鏈國產化、離岸風場開發環評、離岸風電作業船隻航道劃設及規範、漁業權補償及回饋等,皆是政府及開發商需共同面對。其中,離岸風電政策需履行產業關聯方案,供應鏈國產化不僅要克服國內供應鏈技術與量能是否供應充足問題,更要面對當無法如期履約時,來自國外之離岸風電開發業者對國內供應商及政府部門之爭訟問題,並可能尋求國際爭端解決機制(Investor -State Dispute Settlement, ISDS)解決經貿紛爭。
    More than 98% of Taiwan`s energy is imported from abroad, and energy demand-supply and national energy security have always been issues of concern to all parties. With the depletion of global resources and the rising awareness of environmental protection, renewable energy has become a new trend in international competition. Accordingly, the National Development Council announced the "Taiwan’s Pathway to Net Zero Emissions in 2050" plan, proposing 12 key strategies of net zero transition, including wind/solar power, hydrogen fuel, prospective energy, electric power system and energy storage, energy saving, etc. Renewable energy will account for more than 60% of the overall power supply. Device capacity of solar energy and offshore wind power will expand from 40GW to 80GW and 40GW to 55GW, respectively. It is obvious that renewable energy will play an important role in Taiwan`s net-zero emissions pathway in the future.
    The current energy policy adopts the common international Feed-in Tariff (FIT) for renewable energy. In terms of the promotion of solar photovoltaic, both the upstream solar panel manufacturing as well as the downstream power generation system construction and assembly industries already have a good industrial foundation. Although the offshore wind power generation has the greatest potential, the Electricity Act has been amended in two stages to promote electricity liberalization and for transformation of the electrical grid from private to public. The development of offshore wind power still faces many legislation and technical problems, such as the legal source and hierarchy of offshore wind power exploitation, the Offshore Wind Power Local Content Requirement (LCR), the offshore wind farm Environmental Impact Assessment, the design and regularity of waterways for offshore wind power operation vessels, compensation and give back for fishing rights, etc. Each of these issues will require the combined attention of both the government and developers. The offshore wind power policy needs to implement an industry-related plan. Supply chain localization must overcome not only a shortage of technical skills to meet demand capacity but also resolve contract disputes between offshore wind power foreign developers, domestic suppliers, and government departments. The foreign developers may seek Investor -State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) to solve economic and trade disputes.
    This study analyzes the development of Taiwan`s energy policy after major progress made in 2018 by revisions in the Renewable Energy Development Act and the Electricity Act; the renewable energy encouragement and reward model; the progress of the Electricity Act to unlock power generation, selling electricity, and power distribution measures; the research and analysis of offshore wind power generation policy; finally, the legal system overseeing the entire industry. With the advancement of science and technology coupled with international trends, it is expected that Taiwan`s renewable energy development should be synchronized with the world in terms of technology and regulations. Domestic laws should also be in places that benefit social development and the well-being of Taiwanese people.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104961031
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201461
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