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Title: | 微型組織之個案分析 A case study on the micro-enterprises |
Authors: | 陳馥鈺 Chen, Fu-Yu |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 陳馥鈺 Chen, Fu-Yu |
Keywords: | 微型組織 組織變革 KKday micro-enterprises organizational change KKday |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:53:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近幾年來企業紛紛面臨到兩大難題:首先就業的員工大多數為低歸屬性的Z世代,此群員工對企業的歸屬感低,且職稱和薪酬已不再是此群員工的首要考量,其期待能在組織中發揮影響力,「成就感」是其所追尋的首要目標;其次,再來現今大環境變動十分快速,加上2020年全球疫情突如其來大爆發,傳統的「階層式組織架構」在做決策時,須通過層層行政流程以獲得上級主管的批准,組織缺乏敏捷的應變能力以及彈性,導致企業在執行決策時,往往慢市場半拍,失去最佳切入的機會點。因此讓員工具有完全自主權,以用戶為中心為核心宗旨的微型組織成為企業熱議的組織結構。 本研究藉由彙整以微型組織為組織帶來巨大獲利的海爾與京瓷之個案資料,發展出研究架構以深入研究於疫情下大膽進行組織變革的KKday,並得出微型組織的組織特性與管理模式,以及組織變革時可能遇到的困境與其成功克服因素。經研究發現微型組織的特性在於給予員工完全自主權,且讓微型組織員工自負業績盈虧,等同於讓員工具備內部創業的機會。此外,當組織要執行組織變革時,最需要先考慮的關鍵因素為:「企業文化」與「員工」,組織需要先營造創新且開放的氛圍,才能吸引到適合的員工加入,因而發揮微型組織能為組織所帶來的優勢。 In recent years, companies have been facing two major problems. First, most of the employees in the workforce are the low-attribution Generation Z. This group of employees has a low sense of belonging to the company. Titles and salaries are no longer the primary consideration of this group of employees. The traditional "hierarchical organization structure" has to go through layers of administrative processes to obtain approval from the supervisors when making decisions, and the lack of agility and flexibility. Therefore, micro-enterprises that allow employees to have full autonomy and user-centeredness as the core purpose have become a popular organizational structure for companies. This study compiles case studies of Haier and KYOCERA which transform their organization structures into micro-enterprises, and have obtained huge successes to the organizations. Under the epidemic, KKday changed the management model into micro-enterprises, as well as the possible difficulties encountered in the organizational changes and the factors to overcome them successfully. The study found that the characteristics of micro-enterprises are that they give employees full autonomy and allow them to be responsible for their own performance, which is equivalent to giving them the opportunity to start their own business. In addition, when an organization wants to implement organizational change, the key factors that need to be considered first are "corporate culture" and "employees". The organization needs to create an innovative and open atmosphere in order to attract the suitable employees to join the organization, and thus take advantage of the advantages that micro-enterprises can bring to the organization. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 109364130 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364130 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200878 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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