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    Title: 防疫旅館對鄰近房價的影響
    The Impacts of Quarantine Hotels on Housing Prices
    Authors: 薛鈺勳
    Xue, Yu-Xun
    Contributors: 胡偉民

    Xue, Yu-Xun
    Keywords: 特徵價格模型
    Hedonic price
    Quarantine Hotels
    Semi-Obnoxious Facility
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:32:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人們購屋時,為保值增值,會考量影響房價多項因素,包含外部特徵的周遭就業就學機會、區位獨特性、生活機能良窳、交通便捷度、不同價位住宅商品之區隔性、總體經濟、政策面向;同時也會將房屋本身特質如坪數、建材、樓層等納入決策因素,外部與內部特徵皆對房價的變動皆有顯著的影響。


    People usually want to buy a property that can keep its value over time.There are some factors that will take into consideration, including the property`s internal attributes like floors, building materials, and external surroundings location, life function, amenities.

    The facilities can be categorized into positive and negative impacts on real estate. The YIMBY facilities provide benefits to the neighbor, and the NIMBY are damaging
    facilities that might be detrimental to health and security. However, in the wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses, and shopping districts are vulnerable to
    influence severely. Some hotels transform to quarantine hotels to help with medical resources and support their financial crunch. There were also many YIMBY facilities
    converted to NIMBY since people avoid residing nearby areas with dense populations.

    The study adopts the quarantine hotel data, actual transaction price registration data, and landmark location data to evaluate the impact on the real estate transaction
    market. Besides, The regressions analysis is conducted in the hedonic price model. The empirical results concluded as follows: The quarantine hotels might categorize as Semi-Obnoxious Facilities. Tourist hotels were located in an area that provided great amenities and surrounding pivot transport. However, the hotels become the dispersal center of the virus after they change to the quarantine hotels. Therefore, the relationship between distances and house prices is both positive and negative under six regression models.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109255026
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200884
    Appears in Collections:[財政學系] 學位論文

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