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Title: | Z世代即期食品消費驅動力分析: 以便利商店為例 Driving Force Analysis for Generation Z to Purchase Expiring Products ── A Case Study of Convenience Stores |
Authors: | 彭琳 Peng, Lin |
Contributors: | 黃正忠 傅浚映 彭琳 Peng, Lin |
Keywords: | 綠色消費 Z世代 即期品 糧食 便利商店 永續發展目標 Green consumption Generation Z Expiring products Food Convenience store SDGs |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:35:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在農業技術日漸發達的現在,全球仍有無數人口深陷食物匱乏的困境中,不患寡而患不均。在台灣,甚少聽聞糧食不足的問題,糧食議題主要是來自食物供應鏈的浪費,造成能源與水源的浪費,與處理廚餘造成的環境議題。 Z世代消費者年紀大約在12歲至27歲之間,在台灣約為422萬人,佔台灣總人口約18%。這群年輕的消費者對科技應用熟悉,重視企業形象,願意以金錢支持在社會議題上耕耘的企業,與X與Y世代消費者消費習性上有明顯差異。 本研究的目的是為了找出便利商店推動即期食品計畫時採用的措施影響了Z世代消費者哪些消費驅動力。先從文獻整理中將零售業者措施分成四大類,Z世代消費者購買環境友善產品的驅動力分為六大類。 針對Z世代消費者採用問卷調查法,以李克特量表測試消費者對便利商店推廣即期食品的措施是否與對環境議題的認知程度、環境友善態度、個人行為對企業的影響力、重要他人的態度、價格因素、便利性等六大驅動力有關。 本研究統計分析結果為:(1)Z世代消費者對環境議題的認知程度、環境友善態度、價格因素、便利性會與消費者的購買行為有正相關,(2)便利商店在產品相關措施與Z世代消費者的環境友善態度、個人行為對企業的影響力、重要他人的態度有正相關,(3)便利商店的科技應用與Z世代消費者環境友善態度有正相關。 本研究結論為:(1)Z世代消費者確實會因為對環境議題的重視或是具有環境友善態度而購買即期食品,但需要依靠企業在線上或線下行銷時宣導議題,(2)Z世代消費者不認為購買行為會促使企業開展更多解決糧食議題的行動,因為企業目前缺乏和消費者溝通食物供應鏈改善情況的管道,(3)目前Z世代消費者很難區分便利商店業者針對糧食議題的作法與常規行銷活動的差別,所以會懷疑企業是否在進行漂綠行為,目前僅即期品地圖這樣的創新作為讓Z世代消費者感受到企業誠意。 本研究對政府與企業的建議為:(1)企業應在行銷素材中加入更多環境議題元素,強化Z世代消費者對相關議題的了解,(2)企業應將內部於食物供應鏈各個層面的措施完整向Z世代消費者揭露。 基於本研究為針對Z世代曾在便利商店購買即期食品的消費者實施問卷調查法,因此本問卷的研究限制為無法推論至所有世代消費者、無法推論至所有零售通路、無法推論至所有即期食品種類。 本研究針對後續研究建議為:(1)改變研究方法,從問卷調查法轉為質性訪談法,(2)以不同零售通路作為研究標的,(3)以不同種類的即期食品作為研究標的。 Nowadays, agricultural technology is evolving day by day. However, there are people worldwide suffering from food scarcity. In Taiwan, it seems that the issue of food insufficiency is not an important problem. Food issues are mainly from the waste in the food supply chain, resulting in a waste of energy and water, and environmental issues caused by handling food waste. Gen Z consumers are about 12 to 27 years old, and there are about 4.22 million people in Taiwan, accounting for about 18% of the total population. Gen Z consumers are familiar with technology applications, value good corporate image, and are willing to spend money on buying products from companies that work on social issues. It is significantly different from the shopping trends of X- and Y-generation consumers. The purpose of this case study is to analyze driving force for generation Z to purchase expiring products, and how convenience stores implement plans to strengthen the driving force. This study first divides the measures of retailers into four categories from the literature, and the driving force of consumers to purchase environmentally-friendly products is divided into six categories. Then, a questionnaire survey tested consumers on the Likert scale. Six driving force includes awareness of environmental issues, environmentally friendly attitudes, influence on the enterprise, attitudes of significant others, price, and convenience. The statistical analysis results of this study are as follows: (1) Gen Z consumers` awareness of environmental issues, environment-friendly attitude, price, and convenience are positively correlated with consumers` purchasing behavior. (2) Product-related factors are positively related to Gen Z consumers` environmentally friendly attitude, influence on the enterprise and attitudes of significant others. (3) The application of technology is positively related to Gen Z consumers’ environment-friendly attitude. The conclusions of this case study are: (1) Gen Z consumers do buy expiring products because they care about environmental issues or have an environmentally friendly attitude. However, companies have to promote the issues while they sell products online or offline. (2) Gen Z consumers do not believe that purchasing behavior will push companies to take more actions to solve food issues, because companies currently lack channels to communicate with consumers about the improvement of the food supply chain. (3) It is difficult for Gen Z consumers to distinguish between the food safety campaign and regular marketing activities. Therefore, the campaign is little more than greenwashing to improve the oil company`s image. At present, only innovations such as the online map make consumers feel the campaign is not greenwashing. The following recommendations are to the government and enterprises. (1) Enterprises should add more environmental issues elements to their marketing materials to strengthen consumers` understanding of relevant issues. (2) Enterprises should disclose all internal measures of the food supply chain to consumers. Consideration should be given to the limitations of this study. The case study cannot infer to all generations of consumers, to all retail channels, and to all expiration date-based products. The following suggestions should be considered in future research. (1) Future research can use different research methods. (2) Future research can be conducted in different retail channels. (3) Future research can be conducted in different types of expiring products. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 109363071 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363071 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200661 |
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