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    Title: 產業升級真的需要供地政策的保護嗎—中國大陸廣州市的實證研究
    Does industrial upgrading really need the protection of land supply policy: An empirical study of Guangzhou, China
    Authors: 馬梓洲
    Ma, Zi-Zhou
    Contributors: 林子欽

    Lin, Tzu-Chin
    Ding, Hsiu-yin

    Ma, Zi-Zhou
    Keywords: 工業地價
    Industrial Land Price
    Industrial Upgrading
    Land Supply Policy
    Fixed Effects Model
    Two-Stage Least Squares
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 15:51:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 伴隨著工業地價上漲,廣州市工業內部產業升級也同時正在發生,而以往文獻研究地價影響產業升級,往往忽略了對工業內部和城市內部的研究,政府為了進一步推動產業升級,實施保護高新技術企業的供地政策,本研究試圖通過探討廣州市工業地價對產業升級的影響,分析供地保護的政策效果。研究基於生產要素替代效果(Substitution Effect)和土地供給的理論分析,採用組內(Within-Group)估計的個體固定效果模型(Fixed Effects Model)和兩階段最小二乘法(2SLS,Two-Stage Least Squares)對廣州市2007年至2017年的面板資料(Panel Data)進行實證分析,結果顯示,工業地價上漲對產業升級整體上有促進作用,但是這種促進作用只在靠近市中心的區域顯著,而在遠離市中心的外圍區域並不顯著,因為地價通過推動產業轉移實現產業升級,遠離市中心的外圍區域由於處於動態均衡而產業升級不顯著。分析認為,供地政策的保護由於削弱了工業用地的市場需求而導致地價有下跌的趨勢,從實證結果來看這並不利於產業升級,本文認為,充分競爭的工業土地市場,比起保護高新技術企業的供地政策,能更有效地推動產業升級,建議政策重點應該從供地保護政策,調整到對基礎設施的投入,尤其是遠離市中心的外圍區域。
    The industry is upgrading in Guangzhou, with the industrial land price increasing, however, almost all literatures that studied the impact of land price on industrial upgrading, neglected the stories within the manufacturing industry and the urban in the past. The government implements a land supply policy that protecting the high-tech enterprises, in order to promote industrial upgrading further. The study attempts to analyze the effects of the protective land supply policy by exploring the impact of industrial land price on industrial upgrading in Guangzhou. Based on the theoretical analysis of substitution effect of production factor and land supply, study adopted individual-specific fixed effects model of within-group estimation and two-stage least squares to analyze a panel data from 2007 to 2017 in Guangzhou. The empirical result shows that the increasing industrial land price had promoted industrial upgrading overall the urban, however, the significance cannot be seen in areas far away from the downtown, but in areas close to the downtown only, because industry is upgrading by transferring under the drive of land price, and industry was transferring in a dynamic equilibrium in areas far away from the downtown. The analysis believes that the protective land supply policy will weaken the demand in industrial land market, which will lead to a downtrend in land price, and which will be not conducive to industrial upgrading. This article submits that compared with the protective land supply policy, a perfectly competitive industrial land market can drive industrial upgrading more effectively, and suggests adjusting the policy priority from the protection of land supply to the infrastructure, especially in areas far away from the downtown.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108257034
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100739
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