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Title: | 消費者無條件解除權合理例外事由之研究 -以歐盟消費者權利指令與德國民法為借鏡 A Study of Reasonable Exceptions to the withdrawal right of consumers -The EU Consumer Rights Directive and German Civil Law as a Reference |
Authors: | 邱郁淳 Chiu, Yu-Chun |
Contributors: | 呂彥彬 Lu, Yen-Pin 邱郁淳 Chiu, Yu-Chun |
Keywords: | 合理例外事由 無條件解除權 消費者保護法 通訊交易 |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-08-04 15:43:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科技日新月異,於交易模式上亦受到重大影響,由傳統實體店面交易至透過通訊軟體或電子媒體等方式進行交易日漸盛行,消費者得不受時地限制便能悠遊穿梭於各種類型之無實體商鋪,隨心所欲進行交易。於企業經營者而言,不僅可以節省成本支出,更可操作多樣的行銷手法,增加營業收入。然而,企業經營者與消費者間,存有經濟上與資訊上之不平等,前者明顯占有交易上優勢。於此,我國於民國83年便制定消費者保護法,以達保護消費者之目的。 其中,為免消費者因欠缺資訊或迫於心理壓力,於本法中第18條以下設有特種交易之規定,針對通訊交易與訪問交易為規範。應注意者係,於同法第19條第1項賦予特種交易消費者享有無條件解除權,即得不附理由及負擔逕行脫免契約拘束,乃契約嚴守原則之例外。惟同項但書授權行政機關訂立「通訊交易解除權合理例外情事適用」準則,臚列七項得排除消費者無條件解除權之事項,衡平企業經營者之利益,已達合理之交易風險分配,然衍生諸多適用爭議。本文將以歐盟消費者權利指令(2011/83/EU)與德國民法為中心,由整體規範形式至實質具體事由,進行全面性觀察與比較,希冀以比較法為借鏡,健全我國現行法律體制。 Technology is changing rapidly and has a significant impact on the mode of transaction. For business operators, not only can they save costs, but they can also operate a variety of marketing techniques to increase their business revenue. However, there are economic and informational inequalities between business operators and consumers, and the former obviously has the advantage in transactions. Therefore, in 1983, Taiwan enacted the Consumer Protection Act to protect consumers. In order to prevent consumers from lacking information or being pressured by psychological pressure, Article 18 of the Act provides for special transactions to regulate communication transactions and access transactions. It should be noted that Article 19(1) of the same law grants consumers the unconditional right to rescind special transactions, i.e., they can be released from the contract without reasons and burdens, which is an exception to the principle of strict compliance with the contract. However, the same proviso authorizes the executive branch to establish "reasonable exceptions to the application of the right of rescission in communications transactions", which sets out seven matters that may exclude the unconditional right of rescission of consumers, in order to balance the interests of business operators and achieve a reasonable allocation of transaction risks, but has given rise to many disputes on its application. This article will focus on the EU Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU) and the German Civil Code, and conduct a comprehensive observation and comparison from the overall form of regulation to the actual specific matters, in the hope of improving the current legal system in Taiwan by using the comparative law as a reference. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651029 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651029 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101004 |
Appears in Collections: | [法律學系] 學位論文
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