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    題名: 雙層股權結構相關法律問題之研究
    A Study on the Legal Issues of Dual-class Share Structure
    作者: 徐鈺婷
    貢獻者: 朱德芳
    關鍵詞: 雙層股權結構
    Dual class share structure
    Multiple voting share
    Limited voting shares
    Non-voting share
    日期: 2021
    上傳時間: 2021-08-04 15:41:48 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著我國公司法於2018年修正,現行法已大幅開放一般非公開發行股份有限公司發行複數表決權股架構雙層股權結構,惟現行公開發行公司仍不被允許以此方式架構。本文除提出我國法下以限制性表決權股也架構雙層股權結構外,更參考香港及新加坡開放上市公司採行雙層股權結構之立法,認為我國也應開放公開發行公司以複數表決權股架構雙層股權結構。本文探討各國立法模式,進一步提出資本多元化的美國值得作為借鏡,以多元資本結構之立法為目標。除此之外,本文亦對於雙層股權結構進行利弊分析,並引進相關案例,提出有效提出配套措施控制雙層股權結構之代理成本,才能讓全部類型公司享有效益,讓我國資本結構更為多元。就配套措施而言,本文參考各國立法例,提出十三項配套措施,並將公司類型進行三大分類,以不同公司適用不同法律效力強弱之立法,以符合公司法修正後大小公司分流之觀點。
    As Taiwan passed new Corporate Law in 2018, all private share companies can issue multiple voting shares to construct dual class share structure. However, while the new law gives more spaces to private companies, public companies are still not allowed to do this. As the new legislation of Hong Kong and Singapore passed in 2018, allowing companies to go public in each country, this thesis argues that Taiwan can also permit public companies to issue multiple voting shares. This thesis provides legislation related to dual class share structure from many countries and promotes the capital structure in the US market, where companies can use dual class share structure for many years. This thesis also offers several cases and cost and benefit analysis for dual class share structure, concluding utilizing safeguards to lower agency cost is the best way to benefit all companies. Finally, there are total thirteen safeguards in the thesis referred from many countries, and each kind of company is regulated by different effects of legislation, which is in line with the point of view of differentiating big and small companies in the modification of Corporate Law in 2018.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651041
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100872
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