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    Title: 針對台灣高中生聽力後設認知覺察及聽力表現影響之研究
    A study on Taiwanese high school EFL students` listening metacognitive awareness and its relationship with the performance on listening comprehension
    Authors: 柯馨怡
    Ko, Hsin-Yi
    Contributors: 許麗媛
    Hsu, Li-Yuan
    Ko, Hsin-Yi
    Keywords: 聽力後設認知覺察
    Listening metacognitive awareness
    Listening strategies
    Listening performance,
    English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-08-04 14:23:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 聽力在溝通中扮演重要角色,但在以英語為外語(EFL)之領域下普遍是較為忽略的能力 (Mendelsohn, 1994) 。 在台灣,學生英文聽力大多是以聽力測驗而非系統化的教學去培養而成,因此學生幾乎沒機會去檢視跟反思自己的聽力狀況。本研究旨在探究81個台灣高中 生的英文聽力後設認知覺察能力及聽力策略的使用。研究方法為量化與質化並行的混和式研究。資料蒐集方法為學生先透過大考中心聽力測驗模擬考題進行測驗,再填寫改編自Vandergrift et al. (2006) 後設認知覺察聽力中文問卷及接受個別訪談。
    Listening, which plays an essential role in communication, has somewhat been neglected and given less instructional time in EFL circumstances (Mendelsohn, 1994). In Taiwan, English listening skill is normally trained through listening tests rather than structured teaching. For this reason, students barely have opportunities to examine and reflect on their listening learning process. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate 81 Taiwanese high school students’ English listening metacognitive awareness and strategy use and its relationship to students’ listening performance. Data were collected from three sources: Test of English Listening Comprehension (TELC), adapted version of Vandergrift et al. (2006) Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ), and an introspective interview.
    The results of the study showed that students’ overall listening metacognitive awareness was relatively low. Furthermore, among the five categories of MALQ, while students had the highest mean score in two categories, Direct Attention, and Problem Solving, they had the lowest mean in the category of Planning and Evaluation, indicating students’ lack of training in this area. The study also revealed that there was a significantly positive correlation between students’ listening test performance and listening metacognitive awareness. Furthermore, both quantitative and qualitative results indicated that there were important differences between more proficient and less proficient listeners’ states of metacognitive awareness and their patterns of strategy use. In light of these findings, suggestions for teachers, students, and publishers to improve high school students’ listening metacognitive awareness and strategy use are provided.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106551015
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100934
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