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Title: | 中輟生家庭如何看待系統資源介入之探究:以桃園某國中為例 How do Junior high school dropout students` families view system resource intervention:A Case Study of a Junior High School in Taoyuan City |
Authors: | 張家瑋 Chang, Chia-Wei |
Contributors: | 陳婉真 Chen, Wan-Chen 張家瑋 Chang, Chia-Wei |
Keywords: | 中輟生 中輟生家庭 中輟生家長 系統資源介入 dropout students the parents of dropout students dropout students` families system resource intervention |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-07-01 21:11:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 學生中途輟學在台灣已漸漸成為嚴重的社會問題,政府對於中輟復學積極設立相關法規,也有許多校內、外系統介入協助中輟生復學;然而,雖有許多相關措施的實施,卻始終無法降低中輟率、提升復學率。 過往的研究指出中輟的成因相當複雜,但大多著重在家庭對中輟的影響。研究者認為不能將學生中輟的原因、責任完全放在家長的教養方式,而是須去了解中輟生家庭究竟需要什麼樣的協助,或中輟生家庭希望如何與校內、外系統合作。研究者從工作經驗中發現中輟生家庭、學校及相關單位在協助中輟生復學的過程中,往往會出現以片面的資訊處理現況,或沒有保持資訊互通的狀況,間接影響幫助中輟生復學的效益。 因此,本研究希望透過訪談的方式,邀請中輟生家庭回溯中輟歷程中,面對校內、外各系統介入協助的感受與想法,並進一步了解合作過程中,是否真的能對中輟生家庭有所助益,或合作時遭遇那些困境。此外,也試圖了解從中輟生家庭的角度來看,如何才是有效的協助。 本研究結果如下: 一、中輟的背景因素 目前學校體制的教學內容無法引起中輟生的學習興趣,教學方式也難以引起學習動機;校方的負向管教方式、對中輟生家庭的負面觀感,以及中輟生缺乏同儕支持,都是影響中輟的重要背景因素。 二、校內系統的介入 中輟生家庭在與教師、校內各行政單位進行合作時,時常因遭受到貶抑的態度而抗拒互動外,也無法從各舉措中獲得真正所需的協助與建議,使得中輟生家庭不斷降低與校內系統合作的意願,更加難以達到復學的目標。 三、校外系統的介入 中輟生家庭在與校外各系統進行合作時,時常對於各單位工作範疇是不熟悉的,處遇方式也並未符合中輟生家庭實際所需的協助,使得中輟生家庭在面對校外系統的介入時,多經驗到負向感受,影響合作意願與成效。 四、中輟生家庭實際所需的協助 中輟生需要更多選擇與探索的機會,並期待校方能提供彈性安置的空間與輔導。此外,校方需給予中輟生更多理解與認同感,除了營造友善包容的班級氛圍,也需建立正向積極的同儕圈發揮影響力。而針對中輟生家長來說,需要各系統協助扮演溝通的橋樑、保持聯繫與提供專業親職教育知能。 最後,依據本研究之結果,對中輟復學輔導實務工作上,系統與中輟生家庭合作之態度與方式,以及未來研究提出建議提供參考。 Students dropping out of junior high schools have slowly become a serious social problem in Taiwan. The government has actively established relevant laws and regulations for the return of school dropouts. There are many internal and external system interventions to assist dropout students to reenter school. However, despite the implementation of many related measures, it has been unable to reduce the dropout rate and improve the reentry rate success. Previous studies have pointed out that the causes of dropouts are very complex, but a majority of them focus on the family`s influence on dropouts. The researcher believes that the reason and the responsibility for the child’s dropout cannot be solely blamed on the parent’s parenting style. Instead, it is necessary to understand what kind of assistance dropout families need, and how they cooperate with the school and external systems. The researcher has found from work experience that during their assistance of dropout students’ reentry to school, there was a lack of information exchange. Often only one-sided information was used to deal with the dropout students situation, which indirectly affects the effectiveness of helping dropout students successfully returning to school. Therefore, this research hopes to invite dropout students` families to recall their feelings and thoughts about the intervention and assistance of internal and external systems during the dropout process. Furthermore, in understanding whether the cooperation process can help dropout students` families or the difficulties encountered. The results of this study are as follows: I.Factors of dropout The teaching content of the current school system cannot arouse the learning interest of dropout students, and the teaching methods are also unable to increase learning motivation. Also, the school’s negative discipline, negative perceptions of the families of dropout students, and the lack of peer support for dropout students are important background factors that affect dropouts. II.Intervention of the School System When cooperating with teachers and various school systems, dropout students` families often resist interaction due to derogatory attitudes. Also, they are unable to obtain the assistance and advice they need from various measures. As a result, dropout students` families continue to reduce their willingness to cooperate with the school system, making it difficult to achieve the goal of returning to school. III.Intervention of the External System When dropout students` families cooperate with other external systems, they are often unfamiliar with the work scope of each unit, and the treatment method does not meet the actual assistance needed by dropout students` families. These make dropout students` families experience strong negative feelings when facing the intervention of the external systems, which affects the willingness and effectiveness of cooperation. IV.Actual assistance needed by Junior high school dropout students` families Dropout students need more choices and opportunities to explore and expect the school to provide flexible placement space and guidance. In addition, the school needs to give dropout students more understanding and a sense of identity. The school should provide a friendly and inclusive class atmosphere and needs to establish a positive peer circle to exert influence. For the parents of dropout students, various systems are needed to assist in acting as a bridge of communication, maintaining contact, and providing professional parental education skills. Finally, based on the results of this research, we provide references for attitudes and methods of systematically cooperating with dropout students` families in the practical work of dropout and suggestions for future research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 輔導與諮商碩士學位學程 107172001 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107172001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100648 |
Appears in Collections: | [輔導與諮商碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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