题名: | 論實踐轉型正義脈絡之「真相知情權」-以促進轉型正義條例與政治檔案條例為中心 On ‘‘Right to Know the Truth’’ in the Context of Transitional Justice: Focusing on the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice and Political Archives Act |
作者: | 蔡佳翰 Tsai, Chia-Han |
贡献者: | 孫迺翊 Sun, Nai-Yi 蔡佳翰 Tsai, Chia-Han |
关键词: | 轉型正義 真相 真相知情權 二二八事件 白色恐怖 史塔西文件法 調查委員會 促進轉型正義條例 政治檔案條例 檔案公開 Transitional justice Truth The right to know the truth February 28 Incident White Terror Stasi-Unterlagen-Gesetz Enquete-Kommission Act on Promoting Transitional Justice Political Archives Act Archives disclosure |
日期: | 2020 |
上传时间: | 2020-09-02 12:20:27 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 經歷人權侵害與壓迫之後威權統治國家,往往會透過轉型正義各項機制來清理前政權之威權遺緒,臺灣自解嚴後亦於九〇年代陸續進行了金錢彌補、頒發回復名譽證書與其他積極紀念性措施。然而,作為實踐轉型正義各項機制最為根本之前提要件—真相探求,卻普遍不受到臺灣歷代執政者重視,縱使官方曾就二二八事件作成真相調查報告,亦遭致「只有成千上萬個被害者,卻沒有任何一個加害者」之批評,更未見針對白色恐怖進行整體性之真相調查,因而呈現出真相不足,甚至是缺席之轉型正義圖像。
從而,本文將以「真相知情權」作為探討核心,分析為何臺灣過往進行轉型正義工程時缺乏了釐清真相之步驟,並從比較法觀點介紹真相知情權之起源與內涵,最後回歸本國法,試圖建構真相知情權於我國憲法之基礎,並以《促進轉型正義條例》與《政治檔案條例》檢視真相知情權如何被具體實踐;另外,本篇論文之部分內容亦將會透過向促進轉型正義委員會同仁進行之訪談加以完成,藉此拓展分析深度。 Countries that emerge from oppression and human rights violations frequently adopt different kinds of transitional justice mechanisms to redress the legacies of the former authoritarian regime. As far as the case of Taiwan, the authorities have also provided reparations for the victims’ loss and suffering, issued certifications of reputation rehabilitation, and taken other affirmative commemorative measures after the lifting of martial law in the 90s.
Any mechanism to grapple with past human rights abuses must be adopted in full knowledge of the truth about what had happened; truth-seeking holds great significance in the transitional justice processes. Nonetheless, it seems that the authorities in Taiwan pay no attention to truth-seeking. Although there is an official investigation report of February 28 Incident published by the government, the report only reflects the aspect of victims, causing the peculiar phenomenon of ‘‘ten thousand victims without a single perpetrator,’’ not to mention that there is still no general investigation on past atrocities during the era of White Terror till today.
Similarly, the absence of truth-seeking haunts other countries that face egregious and systematic human rights violations repeatedly as well. Both international and regional human rights organizations have also started the discussion on how to deal with such problem. Gradually, establishing and knowing the truth about past human rights violations and patterns of violence has emerged as a legal concept. ‘‘The right to the truth’’ under international humanitarian law thereafter expands to ‘‘the right to know the truth’’ under international human rights law.
Depending on their own particular historical-political situations, the right to know the truth has been carried out with diverse mechanisms in different countries. After unification in 1990, Germany tried to cope with the past (Vergangenheitsbewältigung) via organizing an inquiry commission (Enquete-Kommission) and enacting an archival disclosure law (Stasi-Unterlagen-Gesetz). On the other hand, Taiwan recently sets up ‘‘Transitional Justice Commission’’ under the mandate of the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice and enacts Political Archives Act to pursue historical truth. These two countries take a similar approach to making specific the right to know the truth.
Thus, this thesis would revolve around the right to know the truth, and then analyze the reason why Taiwan lacks the process of truth-seeking in the context of transitional justice. Furthermore, this thesis would introduce the origin and the meaning of the right to know the truth from a comparative law viewpoint, especially from the German experience. Finally, this thesis would examine whether and how the right to know the truth is granted in the Constitution, and focus on the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice and Political Archives Act to see how the right to know the truth is being carried out in Taiwan. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 105651047 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105651047 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202001269 |
显示于类别: | [法律學系] 學位論文
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