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    政大機構典藏 > 文學院 > 臺灣史研究所 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/131615
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    Title: 蔣經國時代以來經貿外交策略探討
    Authors: 馬騏武
    Marčič, Urban
    Contributors: 薛化元

    Hsueh Hua-yuan
    Li, Wei-Chen

    Marčič, Urban
    Keywords: 經貿外交
    Trade Diplomacy
    Flexible diplomacy
    Chiang Ching-Kuo era
    Japanese model
    American model
    Taiwan-Eastern European relations
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:09:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文探討了台灣歷史蔣經國時代以來經貿外交策略的發展。蔣經國時代是指從1972年台灣失去其在聯合國的代表權後蔣經國成為行政院院長的時間到1988年蔣經國去世,然後台灣副總統李登輝就任總統。台灣歷史的這段時期以兩件事著稱:台灣逐漸脫離國際社會的時期;以及台灣經濟的迅速起飛。本文探討台灣如何將其經濟能力作為其經貿外交策略的一部分。換句話說,台灣兩個最大的盟國與台灣斷交後達成的貿易條約,塑造了兩種與台灣維持關係的模式,其他國家在與台灣建立關係時採用了這兩個模式。而且這兩種模式都符合蔣經國當行政院院長後台灣採用地的經貿外交框架。
    This thesis discusses the development of the "Trade Diplomacy" strategy in Tai-wan`s history since the Chiang Ching-Kuo era. The Chiang Ching-Kuo era refers to the time after Chiang Ching-Kuo became premier of the Executive Yuan in 1972, a year after Taiwan lost its representation rights in the United Nations, to the death of Chiang Ching-Kuo in 1988, and then Taiwan’s Vice President Lee Teng-hui taking office as president. This period of Taiwan`s history is known for two things: the period when Taiwan gradual-ly separated from the international community; and the rapid take-off of Taiwan`s econ-omy. This thesis explores how Taiwan uses its economic capabilities as part of its "Trade Diplomacy" strategy. In other words, the trade treaties reached after the two largest allies of Taiwan broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan, have shaped two models of main-taining relations with Taiwan, and other countries have adopted these two models when establishing relations with Taiwan. Moreover, these two models are in line with the trade diplomacy framework adopted by Taiwan after Chiang Ching-Kuo became the premier of the Executive Yuan.
    When Japan established diplomatic relations with China in 1972, its economic in-vestment in Taiwan was still considerable. Therefore, by signing the "Agreement on Mu-tual Overseas Offices" and establishing the "Asia-East Relations Association", regardless of Japan`s acceptance of the "One China Policy" The agreement between Japan and Tai-wan still allows Japanese companies and investors to maintain economic activity in Tai-wan.
    When the United States established diplomatic relations with China in 1979, the United States Congress quickly passed the "Taiwan Relations Act", which not only al-lowed the continuation of economic cooperation between the United States and Taiwan but also maintained the legal and defence framework of the two countries.
    These two models allow other countries to have non-diplomatic relations with Taiwan based on the "Japanese model" and the "American model." In this regard, the countries classified as the Second World and the Third World during the Cold War, which gained independence in the 1990s, and they also wanted to establish relations with Taiwan. Therefore, these two models have formulated their policies on Taiwan.
    Reference: 中文資料:


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