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    Title: 網絡社會的身體部署:探究「數位青年」的網絡具身行動
    Dispositif of Body in the Networked Society: Exploring Embodied Online Actions of the “Digital Youth”
    Authors: 王喆
    Wang, Zhe
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Chen, Pai-lin
    Wang, Zhe
    Keywords: 具身性
    Philosophy of technology
    Online actions
    Social media
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:49:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網絡社會中,網絡作為基礎設施將人與人連結在一起,而身體作為人的物質基礎,可與網絡相連,形成人與技術的連結。生活在網絡社會的「母體」之中,人會經驗何種變化?新媒體研究中較為主流的觀點,傾向於認為計算機技術的去身體化、以及遠程監控造成了對「肉身」的直接取代,而網絡行動中的滑鼠點擊、按贊或實時分享被認為無法與線下集體行動相提並論,集體行動中的「實體團結」極為重視個體和群體在時空上的接近性。但在近年的網絡行動中開始出現新的「行動劇目」,新的行動主體「數位青年」也隨之走到了聚光燈下。
    As a certain kind of infrastructure, the network connects people together in a network society. While the body is also a basic material for human being, which can be connected to the network, strengthening the tie between human and technology. Living in the matrix of a network society, what changes will human beings experience? The dominating approaches in our new media studies tend to believe that the disembodiment and remote surveillance are directly replacing the “body”, while the clicking, liking and sharing in online actions cannot be equated with offline collective actions. Moreover, the factual unity in the collective actions is merely about being together in the same time and at the same space. However, there are some new digital repertoires employed in online actions recent years, and actors who appeared in spotlight during these actions are digital youths.
    For these dilemmas between theories and realities, this study hopes to come back to the idea of “embodiment”, to explore the relationship between technologies, bodies and actions. Based on the literature reviews, this study proposes the applicability of two notions of “digital youth” and “embodied online actions”, also constructs a three levels analysis framework of “technology incorporation”, “connective practice”, and “bodies interlace”. In a network society, human bodies are still meaningful: the meaning realized in the actions and how we perceive the others are through our body experiences or the digital repertoires we choose. For research method, this study suggests a method named “body sketch” to collect materials, including the daily media practices of “fans leaders”, online game players, and creators of meme videos, as well as the embodied experiences of the actors who engaged in an online actions named as “programming contests for Chaoyue”. By doing so, this study probes into how people perceive, observe, rearrange and move their own networked body. By taking actions with others, people may connect their subjectivities with others’ subjectivities, and this interrelationship will generate the meanings of technology, identity and others. It reveals that the being of digital youths cannot be simply reduced to “flesh” or “technology”, but it is in the middle of calibrating the “present/absent”, “control/create”, and “anchor/diffêrance”. Overall, this study proposes an approach of “embodiment” to take a reflect on how to do communication studies, hoping to provide a refreshing perspective that is neither from technology determinism nor behaviorism.
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