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Title: | 國際人權規範與賦權:以實驗法檢證CEDAW第5條在台灣的有效性 International Human Rights Norms and Empowerment: Testing the Effectiveness of CEDAW`s Article 5 in Taiwan with a Survey Experiment |
Authors: | 王思涵 Wang, Szu-Han |
Contributors: | 楊婉瑩 翁燕菁 Yang, Wan-Ying Weng, Yen-Ching 王思涵 Wang, Szu-Han |
Keywords: | 調查實驗 消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約 第5條 國際人權規範 公約效用 CEDAW Empowerment Article 5 International human rights law Effectiveness of convention Survey experiment |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-08-03 18:10:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國加入《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》逾十年,性別統計數據卻仍揭露出「男主外、女主內」的傳統性別分工樣態,顯見性別刻板印象持續阻礙我國婦女人權推展。此一傳統社會文化對婦女造成不利影響的處境,正是CEDAW第5條規範旨欲積極矯正的難題,作為整部CEDAW的中心條款與指導原則,第5條規範的落實能否協助台灣破除性別刻板印象,遂成為本文主要關注之處。有別於既往對公約效用的討論多聚焦在國家層次,本文主張,公約對個人的賦權效果,更是評斷公約效用理應注重的核心。研究發現,知會CEDAW第5條規範內涵對女性具有顯著的正向賦權效果,然而,同樣的實驗處置卻對男性產生顯著的負向剝奪效果,兩性對CEDAW第5條規範內涵的不同理解,加劇了其在性別平權態度上的原有落差。
透過調查實驗之建構,本文首度於台灣驗證「知會CEDAW第5條規範內涵」具有「賦權權利主體」的正向影響,對我國公約效用的討論以及實驗設計運用皆有所補充。此外,調查問卷的施測過程亦同時達到向受試者知會CEDAW及第5條規範的教育宣導效果,具有促進社會效益的功能。循本文研究成果所見,女性對CEDAW第5條規範內涵的普遍陌生、以及男性對CEDAW第5條規範內涵的不同理解,在在彰顯了我國政府履行CEDAW國家義務的積極作為仍顯不足,尚未能透過一切適當措施,向民眾進行「有效」的教育宣導—特別是針對在婦女權益推進路上,感到自身權益遭受剝奪、轉而更加依賴傳統父權文化的男性群體,政府更須發展相應且有效的教育宣導模式。 Taiwan has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) over 10 years, yet from the gender statistics and the relevant reports, we found ourselves still live in a society without true gender equality. It is questionable whether the international human rights law (IHRL) has the actual effect on protecting human rights within sovereign states. Most of the existing literature discusses such an effect on the state level, in contrast, we believe that IHRL like CEDAW could have an empowerment effect on citizens, thus achieve its aim to protect human rights. Following Chilton and Tingley`s (2013) call for using experiments to study international law, we conduct a survey experiment to test our empowerment hypothesis. By doing surveys, we could not only supply new evidence to international law`s effectiveness but also facilitate social benefits by advocating the essence of CEDAW. Meanwhile, we also aim to encourage academics to utilize experiment methodology in various study fields.
Our findings show that informing citizens with the essence of CEDAW’s article 5 enhances women`s gender consciousness, but hinder men’s at the same time. This indicates that government must beware of the different reactions between women and men while promoting the essence of article 5. Obviously, simply text notification is not a good way to acquire supports for women’s right from men, and it looks like our government has not taken all appropriate measures for undertaking obligations from CEDAW. Apart from the negative effects shown on men, our study claims that even Taiwan could only ratify CEDAW unilaterally, the power of CEDAW still holds, and keep providing empowerment resources for women to protect their human rights. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治學系 106252003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106252003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000922 |
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