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    Title: 影響政策合法化的行政立法互動分析-以兒童及少年福利政策為例
    Legislative-Administrative Interactions in Policy Legitimation: A Case Study of Child and Adolescent Welfare Policy
    Authors: 許峻豪
    Hsu, Chun-Hao
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Hsu, Chun-Hao
    Keywords: 政策合法化
    Policy Legitimation
    Legislative-Administrative Interaction
    Child and Adolescent Welfare Policy
    Policy Typologies
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:03:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 政策如何具備正當性,一直以來被視為民主國家的重要課題。然而,在台灣政策研究領域當中,政策合法化議題卻不受重視,尤其是行政與立法互動過程的討論,更是付之闕如。故本研究從Ripley 與 Franklin(1987)的政策行動者互動關係研究出發,透過關係穩定度與決策透明度兩個構面,分析各政策類型的政策關係性質,並從中探討影響立法機關政策合法化因素的普遍性因素,與行政機關推動政策合法化的策略。同時,本研究也以兒童及少年福利政策作為分析個案,探討其行政立法互動模式。



    Policy legitimation has been regarded as an important issue in democratic countries. However, policy study in Taiwan, policy legitimation is not a hot issue, especially legislative-administrative interactions. Therefore, this study analyzes various policy typologies in the policy legitimation through two dimensions of relationship stability and decision-making transparency which based on Ripley and Franklin’s research on the interactions between policy actors. The study also explores the general legislative factors and administrative strategies as legislative-administrative interaction model. Furthermore, we try to analyze child and adolescent welfare policies to propose legislative-administrative interaction model.

    The findings of this study can be divided into three parts. First, this study summarizes the interactive aspects of administration and legislation in policy legitimation. Legislative factors can be categorized into three types: constituency factors, personal factors, and party factors. The administrative strategies of policy legitimation can be concluded four parts: communication and persuasion strategies, argumentum ad populum strategies, party coordination strategies, and interest exchange strategies.

    Second, legislative-administrative interaction models of different policy typologies are explored. For example, due to distributive policy with high stability and low transparency, constituency factors and personal factors are the main legislative factors, while administrative strategies are communication and persuasion and interest exchange strategies. As for regulatory policies with low stability and high transparency, constituency factors and personal factors act as the main legislative factors, while the administrations adopt communication and persuasion strategies and argumentum ad populum strategies.

    Third, we further focus on legislative-administrative interaction in child and adolescent welfare policies. If the policy legitimation emerges due to existing policy, the relationship stability is high, and the decision-making transparency is low. It seems to be distributive policy. However, if the policy legitimation emerges due to social incidents, the relationship stability will decrease, while the decision-making transparency will increase. It makes the policy legitimation is similar to regulatory policy. In addition, in terms of legislative factors, constituency, personal and party factors influence different degrees on legislative behavior in child and adolescent welfare policies, and among them, the factor of personal professionalism plays the most important role. In the meantime, the administrations will adopt communication and persuasion strategies. Considering the multiple policy characteristics, we could not classify child and adolescent welfare policy into any policy typologies. This outcome points out the complex relationships between legislative-administrative interactions and policy typologies in the policy legitimation.

    Finally, due to research limitations, we are unable to analyze all policy typologies of policy legitimation. However, this study still constructs a legislative-administrative interaction framework of policy legitimation. It is hoped that more relevant research will be conducted in the future, to build up a clearer picture of legislative-administrative interaction in policy legitimation research.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1062560101
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000793
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