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    Title: 自動駕駛車之風險與保險需求-以責任歸屬為中心
    Risks Associated with Autonomous Vehicles and its Insurance: An Accountability Issue.
    Authors: 鍾采玲
    Chung, Tsai-Ling
    Contributors: 張冠群
    Chung, Tsai-Ling
    Keywords: 自動駕駛車
    Autonomous Vehicle
    Self-driving Car
    Driverless Car
    Products Liability
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-02-05 18:00:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據統計,傳統汽車駕駛員因人為疏失所帶來之交通事故可說是非常多,像是酒駕、疲勞駕駛等,隨著自動駕駛車輛之興起,其不僅可大幅減少人為錯誤所帶來之事故,更可讓原本無法使用汽車之族群像是視障、聽障等殘疾人士可透過自動駕駛車輛增加其機動性等優勢。然而,自動駕駛車輛之興起亦帶來諸多新興風險,像是系統錯誤所帶來之人身安全問題、駭客入侵系統之網路安全問題等,進而導致相關保險需求之出現。
    According to statistics, causes of car accidents in the scenario where human drivers are behind the wheel are mostly due to human errors, reasons ranging from drunk driving to fatigue driving or more inevitable human mistakes. With the rising of autonomous vehicles, accidents due to human errors can be greatly reduced, at the same time, benefit the physically challenged, such as the blind and the deaf, increasing their mobility in transporting. However, many risks also arise with the use of autonomous vehicles. For instance, personal safety problems occur from system mistakes or network security problems emerge from being hacked. Those problems lead to the result of the rising in relevant insurance needs.
    This paper mainly discusses the insurance needs on the risks of autonomous vehicles. Moreover, the paper focuses on not only the traditional automobile insurance like the compulsory automobile liability insurance, the optional automobile liability insurance, and the first party insurance, but also the product liability insurance of the manufacture of autonomous vehicles which may be highly discussed in the case of autonomous vehicle accidents. In addition, autonomous vehicles are different from conventional vehicles, their main vehicle controller may be the vehicle itself rather than a human driver. Therefore, regarding the compensation and accountability of the insurance company and its subsequent claims, drivers, insurance companies or manufacturers of the autonomous vehicle may now all be liable to the car accident. As a consequence, accountability issue and the choice of insurance systems are the main discussion of this paper.
    To conclude, this paper puts forward suggestions concerning the protection of the interests of victims, including amending the provision of Civil Law on the tort liability of drivers, explaining and adjusting the current the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act, and last but not least, proposing related suggestions on the product liability insurance. In all, the suggestions stated above are all in the hope of balancing the interests among the victims, the insurers and the drivers, meanwhile promoting technological innovations for autonomous vehicles.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1066510371
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000036
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