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    Title: 醫師親自診察義務於醫學倫理及法律之適用
    Application of Medical Ethicis and Law Respecting Prerequisite In-person Diagnostic Examination by Physicians
    Authors: 陳勛
    Chen, Hsun
    Contributors: 劉宏恩
    Liu, Hung-En
    Chen, Hsun
    Keywords: 醫師
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:28:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 醫師親自診察義務,出於醫學倫理上對於醫師之要求,要求醫師對於病患之診斷必須親力親為,不得假手他人,以追求病患獲得最完善之醫療。我國法律基於此公益之目的,亦將親自診察作為醫師義務明文於醫師法第11條,落實法律保障一般國民權益之意旨。
    The mandate for prerequisite in-person diagnostics examination derives from medical ethics for physicians, requires physicians to provide in-person diagnosis prior to and treatment, in the pursuit of providing quality care. Seen as public interest, health of the public is protected by law, and thus the Physician Law stipulate in Article 11 that an in-person diagnostic examination must be carried out by a physician before initiating treatment, as to protect the population.
    Despite its significance, technicality has hindered possible telemedicine practice as the court often interpret said article as requiring physicians to provide on-site examinations for any diagnosis to be made. Any diagnosis not made so may constitute a violation of the law, thus hindering possible telemedicine practice
    Telemedicine is an internationally accepted model of medicine, first established to meet the needs resulting from inequality of medical resources. Telemedicine is now a global phenomenon, in addition to rural areas, telemedicine is also beneficial to patients with disabilities, patients that need long term care, and regions with specific needs. Despite administrative orders that accept use of telemedicine in remote areas such as outlying islands, in general, current regulation forbids the use of telemedicine. This creates a barrier for physicians to provide diagnosis via established models and has negative impacts on patient rights.
    In this study, we will discuss the legislation of the Physician Law, specifically articles related to prerequisite in-person diagnostic examinations, and related legal issues. We will also attempt to propose amendments to provide aid to the situation.
    Reference: 參考文獻
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102652004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901150
    Appears in Collections:[法律科際整合研究所] 學位論文

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