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    Title: 中級華語學習者同步遠距教學互動之研究
    The Study of Interaction in Distance Education for Intermediate Chinese As Second Language Learners
    Authors: 陳詠璇
    Chen, Yung-Hsuan
    Contributors: 舒兆民
    Shu, Zhao-Min
    Chen, Yung-Hsuan
    Keywords: 遠距教學
    Mandarin distance learning
    Online tutoring
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-10-01 12:09:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 如何設計與帶領出高互動的線上課程,一直是華語數位化教學的熱門議題。探究國內的線上語言教學研究,較少關注在互動本身,而且在華語文教學領域更是缺乏,多半探討遠距教師的帶領策略與任務應用上。基於此,本研究旨在運用Zoom視訊會議系統作為華語同步遠距教學平台,根據Salmon(2002)所提之「線上帶領五階段策略」,以學習者中心發展出「學習五階段互動模式」作為本次遠距課程的教學設計模式,強調學習以溝通為核心,並以互動式、任務式為主,且重視學習者的需求。
    本研究之結果達到以下效益:(一)以強調互動之溝通教學搭配任務活動,可成功營造真實的學習氣氛,促進教學雙方更多溝通機會、提升互動的目標;(二) 運用簡單網路資源,重視教材與課程設計,即可打造高互動線上課程,讓學習者更投入、專注於學習內容;(三)建立學習五階段模式應用於華語遠距教學,擴增了遠距教學的應用範圍與策略,在每個學習階段發揮引導、省思等功能。最後,本研究提出建議:遠距教師需恰當地運用的教學法實施於課程中,並且更新專業數位教學知識與能力,希冀未來有志從事遠距教學者,能嘗試加深加廣學習五階段互動模式運用層面,為後續教學與研究提出更有力之貢獻。
    Research into the high interaction in distance education has been established as a significant issue in teaching. However, there are insufficient studies in this field while most of the available studies only investigating into the online leading strategies and mission application , not to mention in the field of Chinese teaching. Therefore, this study aims to use video conference software “Zoom” as synchronous distance teaching platform. Based on Salmon’s(2002) “5-stage strategy”, the researcher have tried to adapt these concepts into“ 5- stage interaction model”. Take the students’ points of view into consideration and implement it as the model of teaching programming.
    The study first points out the challenges in Chinese teaching when developing distance learning. Adapt the teaching methods which are suitable in online, highly interactive course into the teaching and use observation survey to gain and generalize the learning condition. Next, the researcher explain the teaching process and the mission of every steps based on the 5-stages learning interaction model with the teaching methods and digital tools correspond to the stages in order to design a course that is learner-oriented and highly interactive. All the steps are outlined in this research.
    In conclusion, the study can reach the following three goals:
    1. Design the courses by using multiple teaching methods which emphasize the interaction and build the classroom-like learning atmosphere to promote the communication between teachers and learners and reach the goal of improving mutual interaction.
    2. Use online leading strategies to design the highly interactive distance courses which helps the learners focus more on the learning content.
    3. Establish and develop the “5-stage learning model” in Mandarin distance learning would extend the strategies and the range of application for distance education and provide the future researchers with new form of teaching templates, advice, and establish the more efficient online learning environment to the learners.
    Reference: 一、中文部分

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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104161014
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TCSL.007.2018.A07
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