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    Title: 利用資訊通訊技術與主觀幸福指標評估臺灣非政府組織與非營利組織的表現與影響
    Assessing NGO´s/NPO´s Performance and Impacts Applying Information and Communication Technologies and Subjective Well-Being Indicators in Taiwan
    Authors: 雷賀
    Zamora, Jose Heliodoro
    Contributors: 李栢浡
    Lee, Pai-Po
    Zamora, Jose Heliodoro
    Keywords: 評估
    Information and communication technologies
    Social impact assessment
    Subjective well-being
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-10 11:08:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 多數非營利組織與其受益人有著緊密的連結,然而,不論他們之間的關係有多緊密,受益人仍難以全然瞭解非營利組織的行動與計畫所帶來的影響。本研究論文之目的在透過利用資通訊科技,例如社交媒體或論壇互動,從當地或最終的利害關係人的主觀福祉之中,獲取對於組織的執行面至關重要的資訊。傳統的指標以及直接受影響的大眾之主觀見解,可增進機構對於工作領域的觀點,而擁有良好的觀點可提升決策過程,並提供一個有效率的工具以評估機構的表現與影響。選擇主觀福祉以及資通訊科技使用為研究主題,對於試圖建立一個可行的方法有所助益。本文將臺灣的非營利組織代表所做的問卷,作為評估其觀點與意願的依據,結果顯示機構認可其重要性與必須性,但是這樣的過程並不能成為機構執行之工具。
    Many nonprofit organizations work in tight relationships with their beneficiaries, but regardless of the closeness, they cannot wholly comprehend the full impacts of their actions, projects, and programs. The objectives of this thesis is to utilize the Information and Communication Technologies, such as social media or forum interaction is possible to acquire information from the subjective well-being of the local or final stakeholders that can be vital for the decision-making process of the organizations. Traditional indicators used in combination with the subjective perception of the directly affected population, adequately gathered, can increase the institutional perspective of their field of work. Having a better perspective consequently enhances the decision-making process and ultimately providing a cost-effective tool to assess organizational performance and impact. Taking subjective well-being and the rise of the use of Information and Communication Technologies in an attempt to establish a possible method take the best of the available opportunities. This thesis incorporates the results of questionnaires answered by nonprofit organizations representatives in Taiwan to evaluate the point of view and willingness to incorporate process like the discussed in their activities. The results of the analysis suggest that organizations acknowledge the importance and the necessity, but do not have such a process implemented as an institutional tool.
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