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Title: | 以TOE架構探討影響企業採行工業4.0意圖之因素 Factors influencing the intention of industry 4.0 adoption: A TOE framework perspective |
Authors: | 黃駿祐 Huang, Chun-Yu |
Contributors: | 羅明琇 黃駿祐 Huang, Chun-Yu |
Keywords: | 工業4.0 TOE架構 新科技採行 意圖 Industry 4.0 TOE framework New technology adopting Intention |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-02 16:43:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年隨著全球消費市場以及生產要素條件的變化,傳統製造模式開始面臨諸多挑戰,此時,結合大數據、演算法以及新興科技的「工業4.0」便作為解決方案被德國提出,眾多企業開始投入相關的應用,類似的概念也陸續成為各國政府的政策方向。然而,導入新的製造模式會對企業產生極大的負擔,在具備適當的條件與足夠的動機前,企業並不會貿然導入,這使得工業4.0在業界的實行程度仍然不高。因此,本研究以不同規模及來自不同產業但皆具備採行工業4.0意圖之企業為研究標的,深入探討影響其採行意圖之因素,並發掘背後共同條件以及關鍵推力與阻力。
本研究以科技-組織-環境架構(Technology-Organization-Environment Framework, TOE Framework)作為分析架構,探討新技術特性以及企業內外部條件因素對採行意圖之影響,並對四家公司進行個案研究,驗證其中的關鍵影響因素。
本研究對學術上的貢獻是以TOE架構探討過去較少被討論之工業4.0採行意圖之議題,並發現相對優勢、科技準備程度、執行能力、領導者特質與財務資源是影響工業4.0採行意圖的關鍵因素。在實務上的貢獻,則提供自身欲導入工業4.0,或欲推行工業4.0之政府機構以及技術供應商作為參考。 In recent years, the traditional manufacturing method has been challenged with the changes in the consumer market and the factors of production. The concept of Industry 4.0, a new manufacturing method which is correlated with big data, algorithms and high technologies, was proposed as a solution by the German government and has become a trend. However, it is difficult for many companies to implement Industry 4.0-related practices without appropriate conditions and strong driving forces due to huge implementing cost. In the light of this, this study targets the companies from different background, which have strong intention of adopting Industry 4.0, aiming to explore what and how the factors influence their intention.
This study uses the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework (TOE Framework) as an analytical framework to explore the impact of the characteristics of the new technology and the internal and external conditions of the enterprise. The case study approach is selected for the research methods and four companies are analyzed.
The result of this study indicates that the technical factors strongly influence a firm’s intention of adopting Industry 4.0. The cost-benefit evaluation of new technology is the main source of intention. For organizational factors, a firm ’s capacity, financial resources, and leader’s positive attitude are the common conditions for four companies. In terms of environmental factors, the result is greatly different by the firm’s background, but the industrial preparation is an important factor for each firm. The result also points out that cost-benefit evaluation, lack of capacity, and no suitable solution provider are the resistances and challenges of adopting Industry 4.0.
The study contributes to the literature of Industry 4.0 by utilizing the TOE framework for exploring the key influencing factors of Industry 4.0 intention. It also provides a guideline to governments and solution providers for promoting the solution of Industry 4.0. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 105363112 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363112 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.055.2018.F08 |
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