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Title: | 客家笑話敘事結構及語意分析 An investigation of narrative structure and meaning in Hakka jokes |
Authors: | 黃品荷 Huang, Ping-He |
Contributors: | 賴惠玲 Lai, Huei-Ling 黃品荷 Huang, Ping-He |
Keywords: | 客家笑話 敘事結構 言語幽默普遍理論 腳本理論 笑點 Hakka jokes Narrative structure General theory of verbal humor Script theory Punchline |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-23 16:48:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文主要目的在探討客家笑話敘事結構及語意內容的表現與關聯性。本篇的語料共有164則客家笑話,研究結果有四點發現:(一) 根據Labov (1997) 敘事結構,客家笑話結構組成共分為五類:「O-CA-R」、「A-O-CA-R」、「A/O-CA-R」、「O-A-O-CA-R」以及「其他」,且多以導向 (O)、複雜行動 (CA) 及笑點 (PL) 為主要結構組成要素。(二) 笑話主題主要包含:戇痴人物、性議題、負面人性、疾病殘缺及族群偏見,但主題與結構間並無明顯直接關聯性,然而仍可看出大部分主題皆以「O-CA-R」及「A/O-CA-R」為主要呈現形式。(三) 根據Attardo和Raskin (1991) 言語幽默普遍理論,客家笑話使用的語言特徵不僅多使用對話方式呈現,笑話鋪陳過程中共採用了15項邏輯機制,其中類比及同音異字佔最多。笑點的功能為觸發對立腳本的轉換,使得讀者理解笑話並產生詼諧、幽默的感受。(四) 笑話中語言表現及文化背景反映客家腔調和特殊人文社會的價值。 This study investigates the narrative structure and meaning of 164 Hakka jokes. There are four major findings. First, based on Labov’s (1997) narrative structure theory, Hakka jokes can be classified into five types: O-CA-R, A-O-CA-R, A/O-CA-R, O-A-O-CA-R and others. The main elements include orientation, complication action and punchline. The two patterns O-CA-R and A/O-CA-R are the major types. Second, the themes include five categories: foolishness, sexual relation, negative humanity, sickness and disability, and ethnic prejudices. Howerer, there seems to be no correlation between themes and structures. Third, according to Attardo and Raskin’s (1991) General Theory of Verbal Humor, Hakka jokes adopt conversations as major linguistic forms, and 15 logical mechanisms are employed to elaborate the content. Analogy and near homophones are the most prevalent mechanisms among all. Furthermore, the function of a punchline not only triggers opposing scripts but also brings out humorous effects upon the audiences. Fourth, the linguistic performance of Hakka jokes can reflect Hakka culture and unique social values. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 語言學研究所 104555009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104555009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GIL.001.2018.A07 |
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