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    Title: 穆斯林產油國的性別不平等及其對馬來西亞婦女地位之意涵
    Gender Inequality in Muslim Majority Petro-States: Implications for Women’s Status in Malaysia
    Authors: 游央
    Juhas, Jan
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung-Fang
    Jan Juhas
    Keywords: 性別不平等
    Gender inequality
    Oil revenues
    Islamic religion
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-10 15:36:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 大多數石油產出國的社會內都有性別不平等的現象。考慮到問題的複雜性,一些宗教規範和傳統以及石油收入都可能是造成這些國家的婦女社會低位較低的原因。本文採用質性研究方法來闡述影響穆斯林世界中石油產出國的婦女地位之變因。礦產等自然資源帶來的巨大財富以及伊斯蘭教信仰可能是導致穆斯林世界中大多數石油國家性別不平等的原因。中東和北非的性別不平等指數位居全球首位,但是一些盛產石油的穆斯林國家的婦女地位較中東和北非的婦女來得高,本研究分析了石油收入和伊斯蘭教對性別不平等的影響,並針對此現象作一回應。本研究對馬來西亞為例,深入分析自然資源豐富且國內多數人口信奉穆斯林的馬國,是如何被視為一個性別相對平等的社會。馬來西亞的案例是一反論證,造成中東和北非地區性別鴻溝的是產油收入以及伊斯蘭教,不過這兩者在馬國卻沒有明顯的作用。根據研究的分析結果確定了石油收入是造成一定程度上的性別不平等之因,也為自然資源豐富的穆斯林國家──馬來西亞,相較於中東和北非地區,性別不平等程度較低的現象找到解答,藉以確定影響大多數穆斯林國家婦女地位非量化的變因。
    Admitting the complexity of the issues, some religious norms and traditions together with the inflow of oil revenues might contribute to the subordination of women in the society. This thesis uses qualitative research methods to elaborate the variables influencing the status of women in Muslim majority Petro-states. The extraordinary wealth flowing from mineral and natural resources mixed with Islamist religion can contribute to the formation of gender inequalities in Muslim majority Petro countries. The study is analyzing the effect of oil revenues and Islam on gender inequality in order to answer why women in some of the Muslim oil abundant countries are doing better than in the Middle East and North Africa, where women suffer from highest gender inequality indexes. Research provides a complex analysis of the case of Malaysia, as a country rich in natural resources, having Muslim majority population, but still considered as a relatively gender equal society. The case of Malaysia serves as the counter-argument, proving the existence of counter variables, mitigating the negative influence of oil revenues and Islam religiosity in Malaysia, causing deep gender gaps in countries of MENA. This analysis identifies to what extent oil revenues are causing gender inequality, answering why Malaysia as a Muslim country, rich on natural resources, can enjoy a lower level of gender inequality compared to the Middle East and North African region; in order to identify not quantifiable variables impacting the status of women in Muslim majority countries.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105862018
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMPIS.006.2018.A06
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