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Title: | 日本神道と中国思想の比較研究―三種の神器を象徴とした日本王権思想からの試論― Comparative Study of Japanese Shinto and Chinese Ideology-Expounding the Ideology of the Emperor of Japan Symbolized by Imperial Regalia of Japan- |
Authors: | 黃振維 Huang, Chen Wei |
Contributors: | 徐翔生 黃振維 Huang, Chen Wei |
Keywords: | 三種神器 王權思想 天皇 神道 中國思想 Imperial Regalia of Japan ideology of the emperor Emperor of Japan Shinto Chinese ideology |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-09-13 14:01:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自古以來,八咫鏡、草薙劍、八坂瓊勾玉之三種神器被視為日本王權的象徵。在日本文學中,關於三種神器的描述也不少。其實,關於鏡、劍、玉的記載在中國文學中早已出現,鏡、劍、玉各自背後皆有其涵義。另根據儒教與道教經典,可瞭解中國王權思想與「天」的思想有所關連,而天的思想也對中國的王權造成莫大影響。因此在論及日本王權思想之時,必須追溯至中國古代天的思想。 日本王權應如何以神道的觀點解釋呢?眾所周知,日本天皇思想中蘊含著「萬世一系」的思想,身為天照大神子孫的天皇因而世世代代可統治這個國家。事實上,在《古事記》與《日本書紀》中,對此「天壤無窮的神諭」已有著墨,而三種神器也成為遵守此神諭之象徵。 本論文以古代及中世日本文學闡明三種神器的起源與意義,再從比較思想的觀點,探討三種神器與日本王權思想及中國思想三者間之關聯。最後再從日本神道之觀點,論述以三種神器為象徵之日本王權思想。期藉以上研究方法,釐清中日兩國思想之異同,進而理解日本固有的神道思想。 The Imperial Regalia of Japan consists of the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama. From ancient times, they have been regarded as the symbol of power, which belongs to Emperors of Japan. There are quite a few descriptions about the Imperial Regalia of Japan in Japanese literature as well. Actually, the thought of mirror, sword and jewel has already been described in Chinese literature, and each of them has their own meanings. In addition, according to the books of Confucianism and Daoism, the ideology of the emperor of China is relative to the thought of “sky,” and the thought of sky also greatly influenced the power of Chinese emperors. Therefore, it is necessary to trace back to the thought of sky in ancient China while mentioning the ideology of the Emperor of Japan. How should the power of the Emperor of Japan be explained by means of Shinto? As everyone knows, emperors of Japan rule the country as descendants of Amaterasu due to the ideology of the emperors’ unbroken line. Actually, the proof of it is called “Tenjo Mukyu no Shinchoku”, which has already shown in “Kojiki” and “Nihon Shoki.” It means the oracle, which is as eternal as heaven and earth, and the Imperial Regalia of Japan just became the symbol of the oracle. In this thesis, literatures of ancient Japan and medieval Japan will be used to describe the origins and meanings of the Imperial Regalia of Japan. Next, I will manage to explore the connection between the Imperial Regalia of Japan, ideology of Japanese emperor and Chinese ideology from a comparative point of view, and expound the ideology of the emperor of Japan symbolized by Imperial Regalia of Japan. By means of the above research method, the ideology of Japan and China is expected to be clarified in order to know more about the innate ideology of Japan — Shinto. |
Reference: | 資料
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 日本語文學系 103556004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103556004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [日本語文學系] 學位論文
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